MEDITATION POWER OF ATTRACTION. The JOY Secret steps work like magic to create in your life greater mastery of majesty. Enjoy!
Did you know you have the ability to create anything in your life you desire? Anything?
Did you know the world is more like a stream of possibility rather than a set condition?
At the quantum level of physical world scientists have defined reality as a set of possibility rather than a fixed definition.
When a quantum particle is observed it becomes something. Before it is observed (measured by speed or mass) it is just simply not much of anything other than a possibility.
Think about this for a minute. Think about what this means to you and me.
This means that you are NOT STUCK! This means that if you want something there are steps you can take to participate in the creation of it.
You see, God gave you the gift of free will to decide what you want, then go about creating it.
This is what God placed you on earth to do. This is what you could do if you decided you wanted to evolve to higher frequency of light.
If you do not do this, then you will DEVOLVE to lower frequency of less light. You will sink to denser energy in levels of hell you have chosen for yourself to experience by NOT EVOLVING.
We are in a sink or swim universe. Use your WILL to create and move higher.
Don’t use your WILL to create and sink lower.
What do you want? Do you want to sink lower or ascend higher?
I know what I want.
As I have been using my God given gift to choose and create what I want, I have seen my life shift from feeling trapped to feeling powerful, happy and free!
JOY is all around me, in me, and about me. Each day is a blessing.
Why? Because I have begun finally to co-create in a new way that works.
A LITTLE STORY. Yesterday I sat at home frantic because I had become blocked about something I really wanted to get in my life.
I remembered the words channeled to me a week earlier to do NOTHING. I decided to do the exercise around doing nothing.
I defined what I wanted into a little detailed paragraph. I stored it on my phone quickly.
I created a two word mantra for it.
I sat in a mindful meditation for five minutes doing nothing except the meditation while repeating the mantra silently to myself with each breath.
Afterwards I did not force myself to do this or that. That would be FEAR or my EGO forcing things to happen.
I relaxed into nothingness.
Within an hour I had an inspiration to do something.
I purchased an educational package I had been evaluating for some time, but was not sure to buy. It was supposed to teach securities trading.
I love trading stocks as an interest and a means to bring to life certain dreams I have had for some time.
After watching the first video in the package, I went back to the drawing board, newly inspired.
As I put into action the new ideas I had just learned I was able to see what I had been doing wrong and corrected it quickly.
This in turn showed me how I could create what I wanted.
I got unstuck!
So how do you begin to take control, exercise the God within you to create your heartfelt existence?
How do you shift from NOTHING to EVERYTHING you want?

Here are the steps.
- DEFINE what you want in great detail. Spend defining what you really want in your life. Write it down into a succinct paragraph or two.
- JOY Journaling is magical for doing this. In the writing state, your subconscious begins to express itself.
- I have found when I journal I have greater focus, am more relaxed and harbor less stress. I believe this can be described as the Alpha brain wave state.
- In this state, parts of you will surface that have been hidden from your day to day Beta brain wave state mind.
- Take these insights and place them into a succinct paragraph.
- MANTRA. Create a symbolic phrase, 2 words long, each word a single syllable, for this thing you want. For example, let’s say you want to get a promotion at work. Your two word phrase might be, “WORK UP.” This might symbolize upward mobility at work for you.
- MEDITATION. Take the phrase and use it in a mindful meditation, repeating the phrase silently to yourself at each inhale and exhale. Do this for 5 to 30 minutes a day.
- DO NOTHING. Go about your life. If you feel inspired to do something, do it. As well, you might be guided to do something, perhaps through a coincidental synchronicity. Or something might simply be presented to you.
The universe works in ways that reflect your thinking. It is waiting for your direction, not the other way around.
When clients ask me, “Will I get this or that xxx?” I always have to explain they need to see if for themselves to attain it.
The mere fact they are asking if they will get something means they DO NOT SEE IT for themselves. So it is my job to help them create it.
What you see is what you get in life.
Many times there are emotional blocks that have to be released.
If you find yourself in a pattern of wanting but never achieving there definitely is an emotional block holding you back.
This is when healing is needed to remove that block.
I have found most emotional blocks come from the belief that we are not good enough in some way. We are not deserving.
YOU ARE DESERVING! The mere fact you exist makes you deserving for in this state of conscious awareness we are holding a part of the God consciousness.
Of course you do not.
HOW TO FEEL DESERVING. Here is a quick exercise to help you feel deserving. Here is an article which goes into more detail on this.
Find a quiet place where you can sit for a few minutes uninterrupted. In this location begin to feel your body, observing its every angle, how it feels to be inside its skin.
Find a location in your body. Take a journey under the skin at this location.
What do you feel? What do you discover?
Now come back to your eyes. What do you see around you?
Revel in the state of being alive, feeling something, observing something, knowing this.
This is your consciousness and it entitles you to everything.
The mere fact you are conscious means you hold God within you and therefore are deserving of all LOVE has to offer.
Enjoy your conscious state of being. Have exactly what you desire. LOVE yourself, for in so doing you love all other things and can become generous.
This is God in action.
Spirit Medium Laura
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