Mediums and Extraterrestrials. Is there life on other planets or in other dimensions? If so, do you think a medium can bring these beings through? Do you think it is beneficial to do so?
Can a medium connect with life on other planets?
Today I read about the space shuttle Curiosity landing on Mars to probe for basic building blocks of life.
“Curiosity is designed to spend the next two years exploring Gale Crater and an unusual 3-mile- (5 km-) high mountain consisting of what appears to be sediments rising from the crater’s floor.

Its primary mission is to look for evidence that Mars – the planet most similar to Earth – may have once hosted the basic building blocks necessary for microbial life to evolve.” Taken from Reuters.
My goodness, what a concept! Life on other planets!
I am being fascetious here, of course. I do believe life does exist in other dimensions, perhaps not in our physical continuum, but definately I believe other forms of life exist.
Dr. Michael Newton, in his book based on life between life regression techniques “Destiny of Souls,” speaks about hybrid souls that have incarnated in other worlds. Here is a quote from an interview with him.

“Hybrid souls have incarnated in other worlds before they come here, and for one reason or another, they are coming to earth. Earth is very different from where they come.
They may have come from a very gentle world and now they have come to a world where they are going to learn a lot of very different kinds of energies. This is hard on them, and some choose not to ever come back after they have been here for a time or two.”
If there are other worlds in which souls incarnate, then it suggests a medium can communicate with these other life forms. I regularly channel beings from other dimensions, as does Katy Simmone. (Come meet us at “Psychic Chicks Gone Wild,” this Wednesday)
What do you think? Is there life on other planets or in other dimensions? If so, do you think a medium can bring these beings through? Do you think it is beneficial to do so?
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Thank you!
Much love,