MEDIUMSHIP: A Death Foreshadowed With Evidence
About 2 days ago during a mediumship session with a client, a foreshadowing of a death occurred. We, the sitter and I, did not know exactly why her husband in spirit came in to speak about how a man at work would be replaced by someone else.
Her husband told her she would meet another man in the next two to three months who would replace him, help her with her business, be better for her than the current man.
My client, having a sincere attachment to the man in question, was upset. She wanted this employee of hers to become more than a friend, but the relationship had been blocked over and over again.
Little did we know what this conversation from spirit was about. Early this morning my client got a phone call.
Her employee, to whom she had become attached, had been in an auto accident and did not survive!
This happened the next day after her mediumship session with me, where her husband had foreshadowed this loss. It was the night of Valentine’s Day, a week before her husband had deceased.
The timing was eerie.
MEDIUMSHIP: A Death Foreshadowed With Evidence
She called me in tears, hysterical. I calmed her down and asked her friend in spirit to give us a sign he was alive and well.
He described how he died, which my client was able to confirm was close to the truth. Then I asked him to provide something very significant, specific and secret.
He displayed to me clairvoyantly a pen and a pad and said this was in her bedroom. Indeed she was sitting right next to this pad and pen. She had them next to her bed used regularly to write to her husband in spirit!
MEDIUMSHIP: A Death Foreshadowed With Evidence
So spirit provided a mysterious foreshadowing today of a death.
Spirit Medium Laura
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