STARTING A PSYCHIC BUSINESS – Your Website. Getting Online With Your Spiritual Business Just Got a Whole LOT Easier!
BE PROFESSIONAL when starting your psychic business. Are you just starting out and need a website to create your success? A website can do far more than simply say “hello” to prospects. It
1. Defines how professional and qualified you are.
2. Can lead a prospect into a selling funnel, actually closing business for you!
3. Can and should list your product offerings.
4. Allows prospects to make a payment and book an appointment directly.
5. Can earn you income passively, working for you 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
As you can see a website is probably one of the most important aspects of your business. You might have tried designing it yourself, and were not happy with the result.
Don’t do it yourself! Move forward in your business with a professional and high impact website that you can be proud of.
Need extra pages and features? Need a new header and customized graphics? We have affordable plans for that as well.
Our Holistic Website themes are exactly what you need to kick-start your online presence.
Your choice of two beautiful health and wellness website themes.
Demo for The Ethereal Theme
Demo for Holistic Health Coach Theme
Your Choices (Pick a theme)
One Page Website
A one-page website based on your choice of our themes, customized with your photo, email newsletter list, text and classes.
Search Engine Friendly, Search Engine Optimization based on your location and specialty so you can be found.
A way to track visitors to your website so you can make informed marketing decisions.
Responsive to the screen whether it is viewed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
Video tutorial on how to change items on your page and add photos.
Five Page Website
A five-page website based on your choice of our themes, customized with your photo, email newsletter list, text and classes. For example (Home, Services, About, Blog, Contact)
Search Engine Friendly, Search Engine Optimization based on your location and specialty so you can be found.
A way to track visitors to your website so you can make informed marketing decisions.
Responsive to the screen whether it is viewed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
Video tutorial on how to change items on your page and add photos.
Need extra pages and features? Need a new header and customized graphics? We have affordable plans for that as well.
HOW TO ORDER. Contact Spirit Medium Laura at or call her at (954) 465-7338.
I would like to start my own business web page for a business of my own thank you very much.