MEDIUMSHIP for GRIEF RELIEF – Five Channeled Steps From Loss to Living Again and Comprehensive Guide to Grief Relief.
Channeling Begins
1. View loss as an element of nature. It is helpful to view loss as a natural process, one that will require adjustment, but natural nevertheless. All things in the earth dimension have loss built into them. Nothing ever stays the same.
Here in spirit world nothing changes. Loss therefore cannot be experienced. From loss much can be gained.
2. Let Go into the process of loss, into the grief process. There is no way to go through loss or make it better other than feeling your feelings, knowing they are real and sadness is a part of life.
Honor your grief is what we are saying here. Grief is an honorable process and a loving one.
Yes grief is a loving process. It is an expression of the love you have for that other person. Grief can put you in contact with your feelings and feelings are good, they make you real, a part of the universe and a part of life.
3. Honor your feelings of loss to move towards feeling God.
Love is the most important experience a human being can have. It moves you closer to the God head, the feeling of the divine.
So grief can, through its ability to allow you to feel love, move you closer to god. So the third step is to honor your feelings of loss to feel God more clearly.
The feeling of loss is love and the feeling of love is God.
4. Spend time alone. This step is the trickiest one. When you are in mourning from loss, it is positive to spend time alone and with others.
Do not force yourself to be with others all the time. There are those on earth that say being alone is bad during loss periods of grief.
This could not be farther from the truth. It is important to feel your feelings, and the only way to do that is to go into nature, spend time alone to process your feelings.
5. Enter a new life stage. When you have processed your feelings you will begin to leave the grieving stages and come into the new life stage, where you will be able to live again.
So in summary the most important thing to realize and experience when dealing with loss is that it is a natural and actually beautiful process, because you are experiencing in your grief a true expression of love.
Grief is love and love is Grief,
End of Channeling
Use of Dreams for Healing
Sleep can be used as a Healing Mechanism for Loss or Anything in Your Life
by Spirit Medium Laura
Sleep can be used to heal anything in your life. Learn how here.
After the loss of a dear pet of mine, I was very unsettled. Someone I cared for and nurtured for 17 years was now gone.
After the veterinarian recommended euthanasia, I was beyond grief. I felt like I had murdered my child.
I have no children. I have no significant other. I have no relatives in
the same city as I live. I did have friends, but still felt very alone.
knew this was the last pet I would have this life time as I believed I
had gotten too old to take on the raising of a new fur baby.
The feeling of betrayal to my little one, was overwhelming. The One I had nurtured, now I had terminated.

It took two days of crying. I felt so unsettled.
Finally I asked her to come to me, to let me know she was safe. I kept intensely focusing on this message to her.
Finally after two days of this, during my sleep, a cloud of grey energy came to me.
I had a LUCID DREAM with a visitation.
could see in the dream it was difficult for this energy to represent
its identity to me. It was as if it was straining for me to get who this
As soon as I
realized it was my cat, I awoke from the LUCID DREAM immediately. I
realized she was letting me know she had safely arrived in the spirit
She was SAFE and ALIVE.
The next day I noticed a shift. I felt so much better. I felt relieved.
I still suffered grief, but at least I knew my little pet continued in a new dimension. She was alive and no longer suffering.
Perhaps our own brains create this healing. Perhaps it is a joint project between spirit and ourselves.
Whatever it is, it worked! I am now well on my way to healing.
You can use your dreams to heal!
yourself before you go to sleep for your loved one to come to you. If
you are not taking sleep aids, and you are not in too deep a state of
grief, you should find your loved one will come to you.
you are having trouble using your Dreams for Healing, here is a Lucid
Dream Course to teach you how to use your dreams for healing and success
in your life. It is linked below.
Spirit Medium Laura
Learn Lucid Dreaming. Lucid Dreaming can help you use your dreams to heal your past traumas in a smooth and fun way.

Another thing I learned from this grief process, was to process the grief. As it says in the channeling above, take time to be alone.
I took time to be alone to feel the sadness, to cry as I felt I had to cry. Like releasing the puss from a wound, this significantly released the grief, so I could move beyond it to acceptance.
While this grief relief was significantly shorter than it would be for losing a close person in your life, or your child, it is a great example of how the healing process works.
FEATURED RESOURCE: Here is a similar tool to using LUCID DREAMING to heal I found for grief relief.
Induced After Death Communication by Dr. Raymond Moody. I hope it helps you.

Back to Life is a comprehensive, quality bereavement handbook. It consists of 73 pages that explore many aspects of grief in detail. There are 19 chapters or “lessons”, each addressing a different aspect of grief, a coping skill or a strategy for emotional survival.

Go HERE TO LEARN MORE about Bereavement Handbook.
Additional Resources to support the Grief Relief process.
1. Meditations to relieve grief.
Meditation to relief grief from HERE.
Meditation to relief grief from HERE.
2. Read good books on grief. Here is one I found which I think merits your consideration. Go HERE to learn more about “Back to Life,” a comprehensive, quality bereavement handbook.
3. EMDR. “Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories (Shapiro, 1989a, 1989b). Shapiro’s (2001)” Quote taken from, a place to find therapists that do this close to you.
Besides going for therapy there are self help audio products that support the EMDR process. Here is one I found on Amazon worth your consideration.
Audio which provides EMDR.

4. Consider joining a Grief Support Group. has online grief support groups. Some people find support in a group context helpful.
5. Learn about the other side with books or through other media. I have found this personally very helpful when I lost my mother. Here is one book I found compelling, perhaps you might as well.

6. Grief Relief with Flower Essence. I have had such positive results with Essential Oils for sleep, I thought I would add something here about Flower Essence to help process your grief.
Flower Essence for Grief Relief.