MEDIUMSHIP: How Spirit Speaks

MEDIUMSHIP:  How Spirit Speaks

At times it is difficult for a soul to convey everything they want to say to their loved one during a session.  The mediums can only pick up so much in every moment.  The spirit might have much more to say.

Yesterday I did a session in which the deceased husband of my client came in to speak.  He relayed many good pieces of evidence including.

1.  Little gold boxes she is wrapping as gifts to others.  She confirmed she was.

2.  Looking for her keys and other things around the house.  She confirmed she always asking her husband in spirit to help her find things she had misplaced.

3.  I saw a funny little Santa dog being waved over her head during the session.  It looked like a Yorkshire Terrier dressed in a Santa costume being waved over her head back and forth.  She had such a dog in her bedroom which she promptly put under the tree after the session!

MEDIUMSHIP:  How Spirit Speaks

But this last piece of information was relayed AFTER the session ended.  As I closed the Skype session I noticed a Happy Birthday congratulations on the screen to my sitter.

I was disappointed that I was not able to get that during the session, so I wrote to my sitter to say what had happened.  Maybe her husband was trying to wish her a happy birthday through me.

It turned out it was not her birthday, but it was HIS BIRTHDAY!  I went back to Skype to see what was there.  Indeed on the screen to connect to my client was a congratulations for her birthday last August.

Although I had worked with this client many times before on Skype, I had never noticed this Happy Birthday before yesterday’s session.  Obviously this was her husband’s way of saying hello to her and acknowledging one last and very important piece of evidence before he lost contact with me the medium during this session.

MEDIUMSHIP:  How Spirit Speaks.  So great the many ways spirit makes itself known through us!

Love and blessings,

Spirit Medium Laura

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