Working with the Other side can be maddening, fascinating and challenging. Never is a session the same. Failure is part of the process, but only if you do not know how to manage the situation.
Working with the Other side can be maddening, fascinating and challenging. Never is a session the same. Failure is part of the process, but only if you do not know how to manage the situation.
I have seen world famous mediums shot down in front of an audience. I remember John Holland was the guest medium for The Forever Family Foundation’s monthly “Mediums and Messages” call in show.
He was so off with the first three or four “live” readings in a row, they broke suddenly for a commercial. This is why mediums attempt to control their working environments as much as possible.
One example of controlling the environment is choosing to do a spirit gallery rather than a message circle. In the gallery venue the medium chooses to read only the strongest energy in the room, which is easiest to read. Not all in attendance get a message.
Spiritualist mediums conducting séances do not allow everyone into their room. They screen everyone before allowing them in and ask certain items like wallets and watches not be brought into the room.
Everything has energy and will affect the mediumship experience!
You will do a lot better and achieve better results with your clients if you set the expectation before conducting a session that working with spirit is unpredictable. Why? Because then everyone will be relaxed, more flexible, open and sharing the same point of view.

I usually can bring in any spirit desired especially in a private session. However, the level of clarity will vary from one spirit to another. Usually this is so because the soul may not desire or be able to communicate.
Here are some other things to think about when you do mediumship session or circle.
Situation 1: Energetically open and empathic individuals.
If there are individuals in attendance that are very energetically open and empathic, there is a chance they could feel and communicate with the spirits that visit the circle.
The medium should ask spirit to shield all in the room from being affected by spirit. The medium should ask everyone in the room to not speak directly to spirit as it will block the medium in charge from working.
Situation 2: Items That Conduct Energy.
At times individuals might want to bring with them their favorite crystal or other energy conductor. It is wise to ask that such items not be allowed as they will and do conduct energy – perhaps away from the medium.
Situation 3: Closed Energy.
Some people are very blocked energetically. Maybe they are fearful, want to challenge you, have unhealed wounds or are unable to be open emotionally. Whatever the reason a person who is energetically blocked will be difficult to read.
Usually this type of individual will have “psychic” amnesia. They might deny what you are telling them, but spirit is insisting is fact. Finally the client lights up in recognition.
There really is nothing a medium can do with this except try to make the client comfortable to open up. As well, the expectation should be set with the client or audience that when a person is not open energetically it will affect the ability to deliver information.
There is always something unexpected that will happen when you work with spirit. This is why it is so fascinating and challenging.
It is important to set practical and realistic expectations before doing the work with your client or audience to get the best results.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn, is an Abundance, Business and Soul Psychic Medium. With over 45 years experience working with metaphysic concepts, Laura connects you to the ultimate miracle. Your soul! Laura can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.