MEDIUMSHIP: Research Session Feedback

MEDIUMSHIP:  Research Session Feedback.  This is feedback from one of the sitters in the Voices Across the Veil research sessions I did on 3/23/16.


I would like to thank you again and add some information that you may find interesting.

The reason I am writing to you is to say that Laura is a great medium with a great personality and incredible skills.

After the session, I was still processing some information and could not understand or figure out some messages that she gave to me in the very beginning. It seemed like the words did not make any sense, and the description of the spirits did not resemble any people I have known or am related to.

Then, two days letter, I was sitting in front of my computer, and a sudden realization hit me. Suddenly I  remembered what Laura told me at the beginning of the session (who is trying to communicate with me), and I realized who it was!

The description of the personality and the disease of the person who passes away perfectly matched!

How could I forget? Probably because I had certain expectations about the session and was not fully relaxed. As well, before the session, I had to raise my personal vibrations to allow the spirits to communicate with me easily.

As soon as I understood this, I felt goosebumps all over my body (an indication of the presence of the spirits), and that I am correct.

Laura mentioned someone who passed away from cancer, and I had a friend who died last year. The story is very unusual. We were introduced to each other a few years ago when she was already sick.

But she had her first cancer at the age of 24, and was completely cured. 13 years later she was sick again. Then it was remission, and for a whole year she was fine. However, the illness came back after a year, and the doctors told her she was going to live a maximum of 4-6 months.

She was very spiritual, did a lot of self-healing work, and had remission again. After six months she was not only still alive, but also had an incredible remission and doctors thought that it was a miracle.

Instead of six months, she lived 2 and a half years, and everybody thought that she was going to overcome her illness. Unfortunately, she did not.

I know for sure she was trying to communicate with me during the session, as the medium [Laura] described her perfectly, down to the details of her very thin frame and almost no breasts.

She died from breast cancer and had had numerous operations. She firmly believed in the spirit world and life after death and could have probably told us something about it during the session.

Also, one spirit showed up and claimed he was my father. The description did not match, such as the height, and this spirit pointed to the heart area. I said that I did not recognize this person.

Then, another spirit showed up and called himself my father. I was wondering how this was possible, and only now I understand that the first one was probably my father-in-law and the description matches perfectly, even the heart area, as he passed away from a heart attack (but it is hard to say now because the session is over).

In addition, in the very beginning, Laura mentioned one male spirit who was probably my friend. I had one friend who visited me in my dreams after his death and even told me what is going to happen to him in the next 3 and a half years after his death.

I am telling you all of this because you are doing research and are probably interested in the accuracy of the information provided during the reading.

If you would like, you can include this information in your research, however, without my name please.

I would like to repeat the session with the same medium [Laura], as she has beautiful energy and I feel very comfortable and calm with her.



PS: everything I agreed during the session was true.”