MEDIUMSHIP: Review of Joanne Gerber Mediumship 11/13/15

MEDIUMSHIP:  Review of Joanne Gerber Mediumship 11/13/15

I loved it.  Joanne Gerber brings a new meaning to mediumship. She is very polished, does not go for drama, but rather successfully focuses on providing extremely detailed evidence from spirit to her sitters.

For example, spirit took her to one woman in the audience. At first the messages were more general, but then, the longer she stood with this sitter, the more detailed the messages got until Joanne mentioned the lipstick the sitter was wearing was that of her deceased mother and that she even carried the lipstick with her to the event. This was all confirmed, of course.
Now you might say other mediums do this. I will say, “yes,” but if a medium had delivered one fact like this the sitter would have yelled and cried, and the medium would have stood there smiling, then moving onto the next sitter.
At this event instead, the sitter just said, “yes,” and Joanne continued to deliver to this sitter 15 more facts of similar detail, reminding the rest of us that understood what was going on, we are just human, but Joanne is something more.
Unfortunately I did not, nor did Sunnie Brooks, who I traveled with me to the event, get a reading by Gerber however I felt the witness of such humble expertise was well worth the 2 hour trip.
I applaud Gerber’s tremendously honed talent and her commitment to service in delivering detailed evidence from spirit. She truly is one to be admired, praised and applauded, even though her audience that evening seemed so complacent.
Spirit Medium Laura