Metaphysical Benefits of Mindful Meditation

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Mindful meditation produces metaphysical benefits of automatic manifestation by lessening a reactive mind (karmic cause and effect) to alignment with universal mind.

“Of all the reasons people have for trying meditation, being less emotionally reactive is usually pretty high up. ‘Being mindful,’ or ‘being zen,’ is synonymous these days with rolling with the punches, and being non-reactive (or less reactive).”

Taken from Forbes Magazine article, “Meditation Helps Tame The Brain’s Emotional Response, Study Finds.”

Woman in Black Tank Top Sitting Beside Man in Black Shirt


If you have had difficulty manifesting your intentions begin a mindful meditation practice. This is not a guided meditation, or a frequency alignment meditation or even a mantra meditation.

Mindful meditation is when you focus on breath, a visual object, a sensory event, etc. For most people this type of meditation is very difficult.

I do not mean to sound flippant or tease you but to be able to manifest at will is the vibration of a Master. The average person, therefore, would have to step out of their normal daily reactive mode into something more zen like.

Woman in Red Robe Sitting on Rock Near Waterfalls

A Story About Meditation and Manifesting

Over twenty years ago I was working for the largest software company in the world in business to business sales. My manager was changed and suddenly I was being inspected with a microscope for any mistakes I might make.

This was not because I had been a poor performer. No. I had consistently been reviewed by my prior managers as the highest in performance evaluation.

This manager was micro managing me because I believe he did not know how to manage yet. He was new at this job.

I was frantic because I was at a time in my status to retrieve my stock options which had been awarded me over time. This options were due to mature within four to six more months at the job.

If this manager flippantly decided I was not doing a good job I could lose the nest egg I had so assiduously worked to achieve.

In my frantic hot mess I decided to go to a Metaphysical Counselor, a Minister with Science of Mind (Center for Spiritual Living). This metaphysical church has produced the likes of Louise Hays, (“You Can Heal Your Life”) and Michael Beckwith (in the movie “The Secret“).

[Michael Beckwith is influenced by Science of Mind but formed his own church called Agape Spiritual Center.]

Even Wayne Dyer, Ph.D., (“Your Erroneous Zones,” etc.) is associated with this organizations’ teachings.

What Happened After I Went to Science of Mind?

The minister taught me how to do mindful meditation. He would not offer me any form of verbal counseling as I asked, begged, for him to tell me what to DO to solve my problem at work.

Instead, baffling to me, all he did was teach me how to hold my left thumb on my left thigh and focus on it.

First I focused for five minutes for a week. When I went back to him he said, “Good. Now increase your time to ten minutes.”

I did that and when he felt I was ready, he increased my time to twenty, then thirty minutes and so on.

This is where I stayed for a while. Each day I would do thirty minutes of mindful meditation focused on my left thumb on my left thigh.

A funny thing happened, which was baffling to me. I started to not care if my manager watched me or not. I felt bullet proof.

I felt like I was floating through life in a peaceful state. What normally would have upset me I simply observed and watched as if it were a movie.

White Clouds and Blue Sky

Being in the Now

I was shifting from a reactive mind to a mind set in the moment, in the now.

Aha! So this is what everyone means when they say, “Be in the now.”

I can tell you, being in the now is very pleasant! A lot more enjoyable than reacting to what my manager was doing or saying every second of the day.

Then another thing happened which was rather spooky.

My manager was transferred to another department. The gremlin was removed without me doing anything other than be in the now, out of the reactive mind.

The Big Deal, The Takeaway, The POWER!

The takeaway is being in the now is one of the most POWERFUL things you could ever do.

Being in the now literally takes you out of the Karmic Wheel of cause and effect. It elevates you to a higher vibration that is more peaceful, joyful and abundant.

This is what I mean when I talk about SOUL ABUNDANCE. The first step to achieve Soul Abundance is to Let Go of reacting in Meditation.

Learn How to Meditate

Access Your Power

  1. Mindfulness Meditation Course. A Self-Guided, three week, experiential workshop with step-by-step instructions for bringing Mindfulness into your daily life. Includes nine guided meditations with and without Hemi-Sync® (18 total) that you can download and keep for your ongoing practice. See what works best for you and let us know!
  2. Anmol Mehta Learn How to Meditate Course. This online home study course is a fully multi-media program which comes with superb instructional videos and is taught by master meditator and teacher Anmol Mehta.  If you want to learn how to meditate, this is your solution. Go HERE.
  3. Get your Biorhythm Code. The Biorhythm is one of the most accurate and tested programs to finally visually see where you are on this path and how to realign with it. So you can spend every day moving forward towards all the things you want out or life instead or unknowingly stumbling further away from them. Get your Biorhythm Code HERE.
Amethyst Crystal on Person's Hand

Manifesting in the Now

The second step of Soul Abundance is to Open Your Desire. This can be your soul purpose and plan for this lifetime.

It can also be what you are wanting and craving to attain right now, a smaller vision, dream or goal.

There are other Soul Abundance steps after this, which I will not elaborate on right now because today I am focusing on how you can manifest at will with Mindful Meditation.

Steps to Mindful Meditation Manifesting

  1. Every day focus on your thumb on your left thigh (or similar sensory focus).
  2. Start at 5 minutes.
  3. Increase weekly by 5 minutes until you reach a saturation point. Twenty to thirty minutes is good.
  4. Add a second time during day to meditate if possible. This is optional.
  5. After the meditation, focus for a few minutes on something you are wanting to create in your life.
Close Up of Human Eye

How to Create (Manifest) With a Vision Board

I know. You have heard this so many times!!! But wait, this is different!!! :)

When you set intention for something you need to be specific.

The specificity needs to be like a “to do” list. Break the goal into doable steps.

As I have added this to my Vision Board efforts I see almost immediate results.

An example of this is the following.

I am trying to shift my business from a service to products blog. As soon as I said to the universe, “I need qualified people to help me with this specific task and that one.” things started happening.

A woman within three hours emailed me asking if I needed help in my business! I thought that is a synchronicity, especially since she has the skills I need.

Another example of this is the following.

As soon as I realized the focus for my products based blog would be Soul Abundance, a client contacted me and booked an appointment to learn all about her soul abundance. It was like the universe was listening and responding to my consciousness.

This was very weird, but to be expected. The universe is listening and responding to us if we speak a language it can understand.

As well, the universe will respond to us much more readily if our energy is above the Karmic Cause and Effect vibration. We need to rise above it to be heard.

Mindful meditation does this.

Proof of How Mindful Meditation Helps Manifesting

I have done a lot of research on this latter point to see if I can find support of this theory. It is rather an instinctive, intuitive idea delivered to me from spirit.

I have not been able to find the exact spiritual discourse on this subject for external validation.

I can say, however, when you meditate you become less reactive, thus, you begin to lessen your participation in the Law of Karma, which is cause and effect.

This raises your vibration to being pure creative consciousness.

In this vibration you create at will.

Creating at will means there is no cause and effect. There simply is consciousness.

Hope this all makes sense.

Comment below to share your perspectives.

Love to hear from you.


Spirit Medium Laura

Book Your Appointment with Spirit Through Laura at

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  1. Mindfulness Meditation Course. A Self-Guided, three week, experiential workshop with step-by-step instructions for bringing Mindfulness into your daily life. Includes nine guided meditations with and without Hemi-Sync® (18 total) that you can download and keep for your ongoing practice. See what works best for you and let us know!
  2. Anmol Mehta Learn How to Meditate Course. This online home study course is a fully multi-media program which comes with superb instructional videos and is taught by master meditator and teacher Anmol Mehta.  If you want to learn how to meditate, this is your solution. Go HERE.
  3. Get your Biorhythm Code. The Biorhythm is one of the most accurate and tested programs to finally visually see where you are on this path and how to realign with it. So you can spend every day moving forward towards all the things you want out or life instead or unknowingly stumbling further away from them. Get your Biorhythm Code HERE.

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