Metaphysics Law of Attraction Channeling: Lesson One In Creating The Life You Believe You Deserve

Metaphysics Law of Attraction Channeling:  Lesson One In Creating The Life You Believe You Deserve


Learn Law of Attraction Secrets.  Take the Law of Attraction Soul Abundance Course HERE.

Learn how to Channel Spiritual Guides.  Take the Soul Channel course to meet your guides, learn your life purpose, past lives and how to channel HERE

aura indigo: 1. alien field 2. earthly aura 3. protective nuclear shield 4. soul 5. Implants 6. Information Channel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


(This is channeled material from the Alpha Omega Light Beings, Order of Melchizedek on the metaphysics of law of attraction. )

“Sight is the meaning of all things.  When you can see you will be able to be with greater volume awareness and bliss.  It is only with seeing the reality about you that you can thrive.

It is with lack of awareness that suffering occurs.  We do not mean to tell you to suffer we mean to tell you to thrive.  To thrive you must be truly fully alive and to be fully alive you must see what really is.


Metaphysics Law of Attraction

What really is, is that you are the creator, not the reactor.  You are the one who creates.  When you truly see this you will begin to create with more deliberation.  You will become the creator.

No you do not have to see to create you have to see to believe you are the creator.  You need to be aware that you can see to be able to create.

When you realize that you are the creator you will see more and see better your vision will become 100%.  Until you realize that you are the creator, until you accept this, you will be not aware and will not see.

So seeing is believing that you are the creator.  When you believe this then and only then can you create.

This is lesson one in creating the life you believe you deserve.  It is to believe you can create.  To see you can create is the first step to becoming the creator.  And so it is.  Amen”


Learn Law of Attraction Secrets.  Take the Law of Attraction Soul Abundance Course HERE.

Learn how to Channel Spiritual Guides.  Take the Soul Channel course to meet your guides, learn your life purpose, past lives and how to channel HERE



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