MINDFULNESS: The Power of Stillness – Channeled

Mindfulness creates stillness, the missing magical elixir for manifesting desires, goals and results in your life while, allowing the universe to create.

MINDFULNESS:  The Power of Stillness – Channeled

The power of stillness is in your mindfulness and your heart.  When you feel  you want to be still it is the universe telling you to Let Go of process for a time.

Mindfulness and stillness can be very powerful!

You cannot always be active to get what you want.  You must learn how to be still as well as active.

When you are still you are allowing the powers that be come to your assistance to help you.

At times it is difficult to be still.  You want to “take care of everything, to get it done,” so to speak.

But at times you must learn the power of stillness, letting it go, whatever it is.

So when you are wanting to get something you must GIVE stillness for a time.  Relax into the process of Letting Go.

So how do you do stillness?  Here is a way to use it for practical purposes of getting what you want.

Let’s say for example you want a new boat.  You have struggled looking in newspapers and classified ads to find the right one, but still after months of deliberation you can not find something that you want.

After a while you have gotten so confused and disgusted you start to think perhaps a boat is not for you, or perhaps you do not even want a boat.

Finally you decide to start from scratch.

You sit in meditative prayer allowing your heart chakra to open to you.  You allow your feelings for a boat to emerge, exploring all aspects of having one.

If you are wondering how to allow your heart chakra to become part of the creation process here is the way to do so.

You allow your attention to enter your chest cavity and see within it pink light of creation.  The light of creation is pink light for this is the light of love, the highest vibration.

So see pink light in your chest cavity.

Then start feeling how it is to have that which you desire.  What would your life be like?   How would it change?

MAKE CERTAIN YOUR WANT is a SOUL DESIRE, NOT AN EGO TRICK.   Be critical of all of this wondering and exploring through it, tasting it for size and frame.

This is an exploration and discovery, for you must be sure, certain, that what you think you want is something you actually do want from a soul level.

Trying to get something you think you want for ego gratification like status, will not bring you results, at least not with the creative process we are discussing.

The ego does not commandeer supernatural support from the spiritual realm.

You will know you want something from your soul, not your ego, if it makes you feel HAPPY when you think of having it.

If it makes you feel RELIEVED, that is an ego goal placed in your mind from fear.

DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING OUT.  This part of the creation process is extremely important.  If you leave out a critical element of what you desire, the universe will not be fully throttled to bring it to you.

DECIDE.  Finally, you decide you indeed do want a boat because of all it provides to you, communing with nature, feeling the sun on your face, good times with your family and friends, etc.

So you go back to the drawing board of creation, but this time in a different way.

You ask spirit to provide this boat for you with exact fulfillment of all the spiritual aspects of having a boat within the asking.

Once you have asked, visualized, prayed on this request, it is time for stillness.

Stillness at times is difficult to do because when one does not believe in the power of the spiritual world, the universe so to speak, one can try to do it all yourself.

But this my friends will thwart your results.

HOW TO GET STILL.  Being still is actually an active process, but the action is in the decision and then the act of NOT DOING ANYTHING!

Relax.  Let Go.  Take it easy.  Don’t “try” to get what you want, simply relax.

At this point you are waiting for a sign from the universe or the actual results.

One will come for certain if you are asking to receive something for your highest good and the highest good of all.

This we can guarantee.


The Ones Through Spirit Medium Laura


When using this process, the answer then will present suddenly and unexpectedly.  Here is a story about me, Spirit Medium Laura, and how I found a solution to chronic hip pain.

I had severe pain in my hips and right knee.  It was getting so bad, I could hardly walk after sitting for a time.

I do have a lower back problem which is rather serious, and it seems that over time the slippage of the vertebrae was such that my hip joints were becoming compressed.

I kept affirming that my hips would heal as a daily meditation.

Out of the blue one Saturday evening at about 11pm, I was looking for some unrelated information online.  Suddenly before me I inadvertently found a solution which resolves hip pain by actively addressing the hip flexor muscles which support the hip.

HERE is that product in case you are interested.

I am not completely “cured” yet, but I am feeling much, much better and now no longer need the knee brace and can go back to dancing without any pain.

So allow the universe to work for you by employing the power of stillness.


Spirit Medium Laura



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