MINIMALISM for PEACE & FREEDOM. How to overcome the fear of having nothing, so you can have everything, be peaceful and feel free.
Minimalism is living with the minimum amount of stuff so you optimally nourish your soul.

“Minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom. Freedom from fear. Freedom from worry. Freedom from overwhelm. Freedom from guilt. Freedom from depression. Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around. Real freedom.” Taken from
How cool is that?
I have always been attracted to minimalism. When I fall off course, I tend to get anxious, depressed, empty, insecure and disconnected from my creativity.
I recently had an accident on a cruise. I went on the cruise to consume “fun,” but instead ended up in extreme pain physically, mentally and spiritually.
The trip ended costing me a lot more than I thought it would.
At times I wonder why I planned this trip in the first place. As usual, answers came to me from a spiritual source.
I was about to learn, then teach, some valuable lessons.
This accident (broke six ribs, some in several places) forced me to go into isolation to heal. I had to give up a lot of social activities for about six weeks.
At first I thought I would be unhappy having to amuse myself without parties, people and “fun.”
Similar to the Covid shutdown, to my amazement I discovered I liked this quiet time. I found being still and gazing at the sky had power.
During this time I rediscovered my passion for minimalism. I began watching and reading about living a freedom based life.
There is a movement today in the world where individuals are opting to give up their large homes to downsize, perhaps living in a van or tiny house, “off grid,” surviving on less money.
What do you think you would “see” if you stripped your distractions?
Would you discover that what you were doing in your life created unneeded stress and limited rewards?
Maybe you do not have to keep up with everyone else to be happy?
Maybe happiness is just the opposite for you?
We all are influenced to believe we need this and that to survive and thrive in our culture.
Being wealthy and beautiful is idolized.

So where does all of this lead?
What we think we need is an illusion.
You probably would be happier with less.
Here is how it is stated on the famous website
“What is minimalism? If we had to sum it up in a single sentence, we would say, Minimalism is a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favor of focusing on what’s important—so you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.
Minimalism has helped us…
- Eliminate our discontent
- Reclaim our time
- Live in the moment
- Pursue our passions
- Discover our missions
- Experience real freedom
- Create more, consume less
- Focus on our health
- Grow as individuals
- Contribute beyond ourselves
- Rid ourselves of excess stuff
- Discover purpose in our lives”

Here is some channeling on minimalism from The Ones.
Minimalism is a form of therapy for individuals to use in their daily lives to feel better at a deep fundamental level.
If you employ this tool you can immediately start to feel more peaceful and closer to your natural state as a spiritual being having a physical experience.
Take time today to look into your closet of thoughts and things.
What do you covet to have? What do you feel you really need to be happy?
What can you do today to consume less so you can enjoy more?
We in the spiritual realm do not need anything.
All of our needs are addressed with spiritual tools and thoughts.
We do not ask for more.
We already have.
You as a human being have a spiritual experience to need more than us to live the physical life.
However, you do not need everything you think you need.
Taking the time to sort this out will give you a renewed strength you did not have before.
You will feel better. You will have more energy, feel freer, be more complacent and complete.
You need to take the time to think this way.
The more you do the more you will act this way.
Then having what you really need will become apparent. Getting what you really need will become automatic.
You will no longer need to be famous, rich or powerful.
You will more likely want to be helpful, in service and supportive of yourself and others in need.
It is only by finding your true service will the riches follow.
There is a difference between having and wanting. The difference is you.
When you have you do not need or want.
When you need you do not have or gain.
We in the spiritual realm want to help you see your life as complete in need of nothing but you in the forest, the trees and the plants of survival.
You need nothing while on earth but what God has already provided.
You are complete and that completion is now.
The Ones