Manifesting with Miracle Mind
Have your been trying to manifest without success?
Do you feel you need a manifesting miracle because everything you have tried has not worked?
Therein lies the conundrum. You want something. So you try to manifest it. It does not happen.
You continue to try to make it happen, using all sorts of manifesting tools, yet it still does not happen!
You begin to believe there is something wrong with you. Maybe you believe there is some deep psychological block or belief holding you back.
You seek therapy, hypnosis, tapping, Psy-K and other healing methods perhaps.
You twist yourself in all sorts of directions trying so hard to move forward in your life to achieve that BIG thing that seems to always evade you.
It could be love, escaping a pattern of loneliness, rejection and abandonment to find The One person you can marry and create a family.
It could be money, escaping experiences of poverty and deprivation to move forward with an attitude of affluence and the delight of abundance.
It could be health, moving beyond a debilitating illness in your physical form. No matter how much you try, you slip deeper into its debilitation, rather than transcending above it.
We all have these challenges as human beings.
We all have dreams as human beings, dreams to achieve that which we do NOT have.
Aha! You want what you think you do not have!
There is no way you can have something you believe you do not have!
OK. So what do do about this?
You do this by aligning with your soul self.
Your soul is your abundance! Your soul is your wealth. Your soul is your miracle.

Your soul is a miracle!
Why? Why is your soul a miracle?
Because your soul is supernatural. Did you know the word psychic means soul in Greek, from which the word is derived?
Yes, soul is psychic and psychic is soul.
Activating your psychic self, your soul self is your MIRACLE!
So how do you do this? How do you activate your miracle mind, your soul self, your psychic intuitive mind?
You do it by getting in touch with what you would do if you had all the money in world and did not need to work for survival anymore.
This is your soul self. Your soul wants to help, to serve, to express from gifts. Your deepest dreams for this life time are embedded in this service from gifts.
At times we as humans get confused. We want to get without giving. We forget we are souls having a human experience.
That is the point of incarnation, to serve from gifts. It is not to get from taking, but rather to get from giving.
It is the Spiritual Law of Reciprocity. That which you sow so shall you reap.
We can only GET what we GIVE.
So if you are trying to manifest something in your life and it is not coming to you, it is because you forgot the deepest truth about you.
You are here to serve. When you can get your service, you will get your deepest, most satisfying dream, your BLISS!
If you think about it each person who has ever been successful did not offer something for nothing.
No. Instead they solved a problem that was fascinating to them.
Then they offered this solution to others. This is their service.
(Your service will feel fascinating to you. It will be the problem you naturally strive to solve without any encouragement from others. This is your authentic, unique, expression of self, your soul.)
What problem are you solving with your gifts?
Once you know this, and then align with it, you ignite a magical, miraculous engine within yourself, your supernatural navigation key.
This is your soul and it is your miracle.
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The 10 Channeled Steps to Manifest Miracles in Your Life from the Ones will show you how to do this, effortlessly.
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