MONEY CONSCIOUSNESS: the Psychology of Money. Money can flow to you from nothing as nature inherently is a creative force.
This morning I was watching the financial news on television in the United States. A quick story was presented.
Apparently Donald Trump’s organization created a new social media platform called SPAC which soared by 800% in one week. Here is an article about it on Reuters.
I wondered to myself how the traders and speculators who participate in speculative investments feel when then make a coup like this. A quick windfall of money flowed into their possession.
Then I remembered a message which had been channeled to me recently, as I have been working on the consciousness of worthiness with The Ones.
The Ones had presented to me how something comes from nothing as a basic tenet of the dimension in which we reside.
“Earth formed when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust in to become the third planet from the Sun.” Taken from HERE.
Yet from inorganic matter we now have animate, conscious life. Here is a video on how life formed on earth.
This means life came from no life.
So if life can come from no life, money and abundance can come from no money or abundance, too.
I am not suggesting that there is no exchange for money. Yes there is.
The exchange is energy, your consciousness, your beliefs, about money.
When you believe that money can come from
- Following your intuition to place yourself in the right place at the right time,
- Doing something you love to do that has value to others; and/or
- Focusing your imagination on the experience of having abundance now.
You then have the consciousness, the psychology of money.
This is an easy going, happy go lucky attitude about money.
You and I can experience prosperity without toil, trouble and tribulation. Money can flow to us enjoyably.
Just as the speculators in SPAC (mentioned above) ended up multiplying their money in one week by 800% so can anyone who has this consciousness, this psychology of money.
The following photo exemplifies what I am saying. It shows how the universe is infinite in its creative nature. Life begins and ends in an endless spiral of life.
The spiral symbolizes infinity, supporting the consciousness that all is eternal, that there is no beginning or end to creation.
“Focusing on observing a spiral leads the mind to explore itself, to turn to its inner self, and at the same time to imagine the vastness of creation: a spiral expands and directs the thought towards the infinitely large and infinitely small.” Taken from HERE.

Here is a channeled piece by The Ones about the consciousness and psychology of money.
Dear Spirit can you provide a lecture on the psychology of money for those on earth who want to expand their money consciousness?
The psychology of money is an interesting subject.
There are those on earth who need money more than others. Their consciousness then about money is accentuated in the area of lack.
So when you need money you have the consciousness, the psychology, of lack.
It is important then to realize how you can experience the consciousness, the psychology of abundance.
Find ways to place in your life easy access to signals and symbols of abundance.
For example find a way on a daily basis to treat yourself to something fun, indulgent and reflects a consciousness of having, rather than a consciousness of not having.
So for example if you can afford to do something in the area of grooming, or convenience or just enjoyment that is a bit over the top, or that you would not regularly do, find a way to do it now.
This means a massage, a hair treatment, an entertainment experience, etc.
When you find ways to anoint yourself in a loving way you will find your life will improve as well as your psychology about money.
Money is a symbol of having sustenance. It is not sustenance in and of itself. It is merely a symbol of having it.
So when you do something for yourself that is indulgent you can find ways to do it that do not require a huge outlay of money. Money is not the issue.
Consciousness or psychology is the issue.
We hope you enjoy this little lecture on the psychology of money for humans on earth.
Be indulgent now and enjoy your life.
The Ones
I hope you enjoyed these ideas about money to aid you in your evolution to joy.
Spirit Medium Laura