MONEY: The Spiritual Entrepreneur
Are you a Spiritual Entrepreneur such as a Psychic, Medium, Energy Healer, Health Coach, Light worker, Specialized Coach or ANYONE who wants to be successful with money.
By aligning your soul’s plan to your money and spiritual entrepreneurial efforts success will flow to you automatically. This article offers a brief introduction to this process and further resources below.
After making, then losing, a boat load of money applying rules and guidelines of the material plane, I was forced economically to reinvent myself.
As I Let Go of the struggle and allowed myself to be led spirit gently guided me to use my natural mediumship gifts to begin working with others in this capacity.
After this transition I realized there is a system of abundance to be used by anyone to
- Discover your life and soul purpose.
- Work at your Dharma, the work your soul meant you to do this life time.
- Enjoy your work because you fit it.
- Gently flow through life with guidance, opportunities and destiny.
- Meet your soul mates and others meant to be in your life for growth, abundance and love.
Since then I have been gently led to create a sustaining practice within the restrictions of how I like to work. Today I just received another booking from someone who found me on the Internet.
I set up a system that works. You can too. Read on.
We will use LOVE as an acronym to

- LEARN your soul’s dharma, the work you came to earth to do.
- Ask yourself what is the biggest life long problem you have had to overcome this incarnation?
- Now ask yourself how did you solve this?
- This is your Dharma.
- OPEN your story.
- How did you solve this problem?
- This is your story.
- VERBALIZE your story.
- Write your story and solution into a healing system. Explain the problem and how you solved it for yourself.
- Create an acronym for this solution. This is your business brand.
- Publish this system in the form of a short book, e-book, article, video, webinar, etc.
- Ex. Your biggest problem this life time was low self esteem. You discovered the way to overcome it and to help others was with the GIFT system of healing. The GIFT acronym stands for
- Got to know my gifts.
- Inspired my value.
- Focused on service from gifts.
- True confidence emerged.
- ENGAGE the sale.
- Write this story into a solution book, video, workbook, class, webinar, etc.
- FREE for EMAILS. A FREE video or article about your solution story should be given away at online points of contact (blog, Facebook, social media, webinars, seminars, etc.) to capture emails and build your mailing list.
- ACTIVE INCOME. A FEE based class, webinar, or event class to begin earning revenue and engaging clients at a low price point.
- PASSIVE INCOME. Some of this you make into
- digital products like a book, class or whatever for passive income down the road.
- hard good products like T-Shirts, signature essential oils, card decks, etc. with branding on it in alignment with your story.
- CREATE YOUR BLOG based on this theme. The blog can be created as soon as you know your theme and acronym. Hire someone to do this for you if you are not technically inclined.
- OPTIMIZE for SEO. Have your blog optimized for Search Engines by a professional (or if you are good at this do yourself) so your service can be found online.
- SPECIALIZE, don’t compete. By specializing your service to your soul purpose (Dharma) you are not competing with other light workers. You have your own unique slant to service which can be reflected in SEO. You never compete. You specialize.
- REGULARLY PUBLISH. Publish articles addressing your audience’s biggest problems at least once a week for this blog with proper Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Clients will find your articles if they are on target for solving their problems.
- TRAINING? Consider getting training in SEO if you are so inclined or hire a professional to do this for you.
- CAPTURE EMAILS. This is your life line to a long term business!
- The purpose of bringing people to your blog is to capture emails to build your mailing list. At times people will book and buy directly at first visit, however,
- Selling usually happens from a regularly emailed newsletter or communication with your audience. Consider doing this at least once a week.
- REGULAR ENGAGEMENT. Regularly hold free or fee webinars or in person workshops to build your mailing list, and get clients. Those that attend become one on one clients.
- It is so important to regularly (weekly or monthly) do live in person or online events as people will forget you if you do not!
- Places to ENGAGE with prospects.
- Physical events in synergy with your service and story. Ex. New Age bookstore, Trade Show, Healing Expo, etc.
- Virtual Events and Media.
- Ex. Create your own Facebook Public Figure or Group online where you invite people to join who are needing or interested in your specialty.
- Ex. Healing Self Esteem Group would be useful to those on Facebook already in other Self Esteem Groups. Provide value before asking for anything. Golden rule.
- SELL with LOVE. GIVE to GET. Selling is service, helping others. It not a scary or ugly thing you have to do to survive. Give before Get. Give LOVE to get the sale. LOVE stands for:
- Learn their issues, problems. Ask probing questions. Take an interest in them.
- Open your solution by mapping into their problem. If you do feel you are a good or bad fit, express this now. Not all people should work with you!
- Verbalize an offer, how you would help them, what product, service you suggest for them and their situation as appropriate.
- Engage the sale. Tell them how you can work together. Book them now, not later.
- Write this story into a solution book, video, workbook, class, webinar, etc.