Mother Mary/Isis Ascended Master

The other day I was doing a reading. In came my client’s spirit guides, claiming to be of the Mother Mary energy. They said they were a group of souls which worked with earth helpers, healers and nurturers.

My client asked later about a “haunting” event that happened in her daughter’s room the day her father had a massive heart attack. Pictures fell off the wall, lights went off and the whole room shook. My client had taken a picture that day of a light she saw over a piece of furniture.

She sent me that picture. It seemed to be a “ghost like” image of the Mother Mary.

I decided later that day to ask my spirit guides to provide more information on the Mother Mary energy. After receiving the information I researched a bit about some of the claims in the channeled material.

Cover of
Cover via Amazon

The channeled material states Mother Mary’s color is blue and has a blue aura. According to Dr. Michael Newton, author of “Destiny of Souls” on page 171, blue is the color of a Master. Blue Violet is an Ascended Master. Red is the color of a beginning soul.

As well I found on this web page that Mother Mary is a beautiful, powerful ascended master of great love, wisdom and compassion. She protects women and children and intercedes in healing. One of her past incarnations was Isis, when she instructed initiates in the Mystery.

Here is the channeled transmission.

Dear Spirit Guides what is meant by Mother Mary energy and what types of guides work with that?

We are here. The Mother Mary is a group soul of energetic beings that heal and help. They visit earth to be with those souls whose purpose is to help and heal whether they are male or female. It is a compassionate energy of nurturing and attunement to others.

Mother Mary is for helping others.

When you say someone is working with this set of spiritual guides you will find them helping and healing the sick, the poor, the less fortunate, as in the Peace Corps and missionaries. This is the type of energy that is self less.

This is energy of blue light too. When someone is working with a blue light around them it is the energy of the helper and healer. Virgin Mary comes in with a blue light around her and halo of love.

A Statue of the Virgin Mary in the Mouintain P...
Image via Wikipedia

Blue is the light of love from her plane of existence.

Blue is the light of compassion and healing.

In the spiritual world blue is the color of love, not pink. Pink is a younger soul that is just starting to evolve, but when a soul gets to blue they have learned to evolve more and to be more loving. This is what we mean.

The Mother Mary always wears blue because this is her color, so if you see blue around a soul know it is an evolved soul from the Etheric plane of love.

The etheric plane is a plane where souls reside. It is a plane which is not physical and can house the energy of love. This is not the etheric plane that some on earth are now defining it to be. We simply mean that there is a place where souls live and it is energy totally, or etheric.

God bless.

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3 thoughts on “Mother Mary/Isis Ascended Master”

  1. I was told I have a blue aura, indigo soul. I’ve been meditating for years and prayed to my spirit guides asking their name. I dreamt that night that a woman whiapered in my ear “Mary” two times. I did not see this person just heard the whisper.

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