Niche Marketing: The Soul’s Way
Does your soul have business on earth? Well, yes. It does. You have come to earth, each one of you with a particular purpose.
Part of that purpose is the same for everyone. It is to remember who you are. You are a divine being having a physical experience. But there is more for each of us.

Each of us is special, unique in some way. We each have a purpose of service from gifts. This is called Dharma. When you align with your Dharma in life your path emerges. You are led.
You are led to the abundant flow of synchronicity, opportunities and destiny. Joseph Campbell, Ph.D., famous mythologist, said it this way, “if you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in your field of bliss, and they open doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”
Your purpose in life is hallmarked by bliss. Bliss is your soul speaking to you. It leads you forward to your prosperity, which is expression of your service.
Your service from gifts therefore is miraculous for you. Follow your bliss and your miracles begin.
Exercise to open you bliss:
- Think of your unique challenge for this lifetime. Usually it is loving yourself in some way.
- Imagine you had to help others feel confident about themselves. What would you tell them to do? How would you help them?
- Now see this as your unique gift. Your unique service then is to help others love themselves from the place in which you are challenged to love yourself.
Niche Marketing: The Soul’s Way
Some examples of not loving yourself include: Feeling
- your talents are not worth pursuing,
- you have no gifts,
- you do not know who you are inside,
- you have no value,
- you feel different and do not fit into your circle.
When you learn how to help others love themselves you have the format for your divine purpose. As you help others love themselves from your place of deficiency, you will find you begin to love yourself more. Helping others makes you feel validated and worthwhile.
Niche Marketing: The Soul’s Way
In conclusion, when you teach others to love themselves in the unique way you understand, your doors will open and prosperity with come to you. To learn how to do niche marketing based on your soul, take the powerful, yet inexpensive, Holistic Business course Spirit Medium Laura has created. More information about this HERE.
Spirit Medium Laura