The POWER of TAO is a powerful channeled piece from Michael entities on how to affect change in your life through acceptance.
Only Doing NO THING Will Get You SOME THING: The POWER of TAO
Wow. This morning I was foggily at my computer contemplating a recurring pattern in my life I would like to change.
Suddenly as I stared grimly at the screen a channeling began. I heard the words in my head, “Only Doing NO THING Will Get You SOME THING: The POWER of TAO.”
I quickly opened my blog to begin recording it.
Here it is. I sincerely hope you find this helpful. I did.

“Hello we are your Guides. We act in the ministry of faith, love and hope for humanity.
We are helping those on earth learn to love from the heart center, not to change anything, but accept it as it is.
We have been here before on earth, but now we teach those on earth through a spiritual ministry of faith to earth from where we live.
We live in higher realms of thought, love and hope.
The hope of humanity is to learn acceptance. Acceptance is the key to everything, to the Garden of Heaven, so to speak.
We in the Etheric plane of LOVE have learned to accept through Tao, the nature of all things.
[NOTE: The Etheric (energy) plane of LOVE according to the Michael Teachings is the MESSIANIC PLANE.
All the Michael teachings incorporate the concept of TAO. ‘Since the Tao is the ground of all being, every plane has a direct connection with it. ‘
More on these concepts here:
I began my channeling with a group of entities who called themselves Michael. I had no training in channeling, nor understanding of these entities when this began.
They prepared me for two weeks by opening my throat chakra for my master Guide, Saint Ignatius Loyola. I learned 30 years later this is the same Master Guide to John of God.]
Tao is the nature of all things as they are.
When one enters the state of Tao they do not ARGUE with REALITY.
Rather they learn to accept it first, then play with it later.
It is the playing with reality that brings the results, not the changing of it.
So we say to you when you learn to do NO thing, you will have EVERY thing.
It is through this subtle acceptance of fate, dominion of love and understanding of self that one can ride through the vicissitudes of life to a higher place, where love is all there is and miracles are in abundance.
YES. Our plane of existence is that of what you would call miraculous, however, we do not see it so.
We see only the energy of what is and through this acceptance of energy for what it is, we are able to shape it with our thoughts, our reality.
It is only through acceptance that you can have transformation.
Do you not see what we mean?
We mean that when something is upsetting you this is an alarm to go to acceptance IMMEDIATELY! IMMEDIATELY!
Do not wait, go immediately to the plane of acceptance.
In this state of acceptance new things will come to you. What you fought before will become changed, for change is the only constant in the stratosphere of life.
Everything moves, shifts, and morphs. Nothing stays constant (accept of course the principle of change.)
We in the Spiritual Sphere of Love and Acceptance would like to tell you that change is the most important constant or principle of love.
With love (acceptance) there can be shifts, change and new beginnings.
So if you are frustrated as many of you are on earth, remember to move immediately to acceptance.
From acceptance can then materialize change. When change occurs within the sphere of acceptance it will be a new beginning, not a continuation of what was before.
Here is the exercise so you can follow it.
- Ask that you can accept something that is bothering you. Ask yourself for this. Go or move to acceptance instead of fighting it.
- The way to acceptance is to stop trying to change something. You can begin a new hobby, action or simply change the subject from disappointment that something did not go your way to understanding that change is the universal constant.
- From Acceptance you will find a new beginning.
It is this simple, yes.
There is a Spiritual Law of Change. We ask that you study this and understand it better.
The only way you can get change and a new beginning for something you desire is to accept what you have now and then in this way a new beginning can occur.
Spirit Guides of TAO through Spirit Medium Laura
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