Inner Voice Dialogue. Learn how to call in your inner voice for outer magic, passion, purpose and prosperity.

Power Your Path to Passion, Purpose & Prosperity
Have you been suffering because you cannot get clarity, unable to create new desirable conditions in your life or feel lost, confused and frustrated?
If so, you need to connect to that magical part of yourself, your inner voice. Your inner voice can provide healing, intuition, insight, synchronicity, creativity and purpose.
Your Inner Voice can help you gain inspiration and access to your purpose, passion and prosperity for this life time. It can potentially help you find or repair love, be led to right work and find solutions to areas in your life hidden or dormant until now.
Your Inner Voice is that magical part of you that is wise, infinite, all knowing and metaphysically creative.
When you want to heal, create new, happier circumstances in your life and be led to your highest expression of self, your inner voice is your personal muse!
You inner voice is better than manifesting, because it the creative process itself.
Do You Have An Inner Voice?
I believe each person has an inner voice, however, it may express in different ways. If you are more a feeling person you might have a gut feeling to do or not do something as I evidenced above.
If you are more visual you might see signs and symbols, which could guide you.
If you are more verbal, as I am, then you might actually get words.
I do think we all have an intuitive self which can speak to us in whatever way we have developed, in whatever way we are most comfortable communicating.
It is there if we care to ask it. This is the step most people do not do!
The value of gaining conscious access to this inner voice is well worth the effort. It can be your path to living the life that is your highest good.
There is much to say about why to develop and listen to your inner voice so I decided to channel on this.

Channeling on Inner Voice Dialogue
My question to The Collective. “What exactly is the Inner Voice?”
The Inner Voice is the way you accept and create reality. It is our mind, the Collective Consciousness. When you access this mind through your local or ego mind you will find reality can shift.
What you thought was important before can change and shift, helping you realize your own potential, heal at the deepest level, release toxic thinking and belief systems which poison your heart and soul preventing you from fulfilling your life purpose and mission.
Each person has an inner voice, although many do not know they have one.
Everyone does have an inner knowing about their life, what they are doing where they are going, how they are hurting themselves and others.
Everyone has a part of self that knows the truth about themselves and others, their life, who they really are.
It is breaking down the shield that keeps you living at a surface level, a false and fake reality and prevents you from entering your best reality, more authentic for you.
In this reality odd things happen.
You are no longer boxed in by three dimensional rules. You are aided by a force greater than yourself to attain your highest expression of self while in the body, before the ascent to spirit.
This is a key evolutionary step for mankind.
You can reach your fullest most blissful potential by accessing and using your inner voice.

Your Inner Voice Dialogue Is NOT Personal Self Talk
Your inner voice as used here is not your personal self talk.
Rather it is your intuition, insight and instinct. Your inner voice is your own personal spiritual guidance system. It is your compass to thrive.
Spirit is suggesting to me that more than ever people need to learn how to connect to this deeper self, their higher self, their soul to live their fulfilled life, enjoy deep satisfaction, realization of their soul plan, soul purpose, meet the right partner, be in the right place at the right time and so on.
Your Inner Voice is your self healing to happiness tool often overlooked even by people who work with spirit to help and heal others.
As plain as the nose on your face, your inner voice is often ignored. Yet it is the critical tool you need to breath bliss, joy and completion into your human experience.
Without it your life will downgrade to an existential emptiness only deluded for brief periods of sensory distraction, as your journey unfolds. These sensory distractions are called addictions.

Live your PEAK LIFE by finding and following your inner voice.
Evolve into a higher vibration of self where manifesting is passe, and being led is the norm.
Let’s learn more about this.
Inner Voice Dialogue – Using the CALL Method
I created the acronym CALL to summarize the steps which can be used by anyone to call in your inner voice to get guidance uniquely correct for you.

My Story – Background for Use of Inner Voice Dialogue
My ballet teacher scolded me to stop arguing with another student in class. I had asked this student two times to not block my view of the demonstrated exercise.
Instead of supporting me the teacher scolded me. This teacher was very kind usually so when this happened I felt very rejected by her.
What did I do wrong? Was I really that out of line? Why didn’t the teacher ask that student to move over? This went on and on.
Since I could not shake these feelings, I decided to use The Inner Voice tool (steps below) to see what could be done.
After following the steps The Inner Voice told me this was not the right class for me and to not go back to it. (There was a lot more said which literally shocked and healed me, but it is just too much for here.)
Continuing the Inner Voice said, “Ask your heart center to provide a new class for you.”
After the exercise I did not return to this ballet class for a week, thinking it not the right class for me and waiting for a new class to appear.
My Inner Voice said it would automatically present the new class to me!
Then this happened. After missing the classes the teacher unexpectedly texted me to ask if I was alright. She had missed me seeing me in class!
I was a bit flummoxed. Everything shifted automatically like magic.
After a bit of rumination about all of this I believe the exercise with my Inner Voice helped shift my consciousness around the situation. When we shift so do the conditions around us.
I now had the right ballet class for me.

Inner Voice Dialogue – My Actual CALL Exercise
Preparation for “CALL” Steps
You absolutely need to be in a very mellow, centered frame of mind when you do this. Eventually with repetition you will access your Inner Voice easier, but when starting out you need to deliberately do some centering exercises.
Here are some ideas: listen to relaxing music, do a meditation or focused gaze on something pleasant, do some slow abdominal breathing.
You should not be in a rush, but rather feel you are in a private space of timelessness where you will not be interrupted.
Here are the “CALL” steps.
C stands for Complain. The purpose of this steps is to let go of trying to handle the problem you are attempting to solve. By complaining you let go of trying to handle it.
In this step you simply ruminate in a journal or simply in your heart, head and gut about a specific situation in your life you are unhappy with.
Perhaps you might want to record your voice complaining.

A stands for Ask. After this you specifically ask your inner voice to give you an answer. It helps to write your question down so you focus.
LL stands for Listen and Learn. Make a note of the answers you receive by writing them down or record your voice describing what you are feeling, seeing or hearing.
I tend to hear words. If you do, write them down.
You may get a feeling. Make a note of it.
You may see a sign or a symbol. Again take note of it.
Whatever you get, you must follow. This is the key to allowing the Inner Voice to do its work.
Only follow instructions that are coming from love and do not hurt you or others.

Three Other Primary Techniques To Access Your Inner Voice
1. Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is a practice where you focus your attention on the present moment without judgment. It helps quiet the constant chatter of the mind, allowing you to create space for your inner voice to emerge. By practicing regularly, you train yourself to become more aware of subtle feelings, sensations, and thoughts that arise from within.
You can start with a simple practice, focusing on your breath, and notice what thoughts or insights arise in the silence. Over time, this inner awareness can strengthen and help you connect with your deeper knowing.
2. Journaling
Journaling was mentioned above as a powerful tool for self-reflection. Writing freely without trying to censor or judge your thoughts can open up a channel to your inner voice. The process allows you to bypass your analytical mind and access deeper layers of intuition.
You might ask yourself open-ended questions like, “What do I truly feel in this moment?” or “What does my intuition say about this situation?” Write whatever comes to mind, even if it seems fragmented or unclear at first. Often, the more you write, the more profound insights will surface.
3. Body Awareness
Your body is often an excellent communicator of inner wisdom. Learning to listen to your body’s subtle cues—such as sensations, tension, or comfort—can help you access your intuitive voice.
Practices like yoga, tai chi, or simply being still and tuning into how your body feels in different situations can create an energetic connection between mind and body. When faced with decisions, pause and notice how your body reacts—does it feel light and expansive, or heavy and restricted? Your body often holds the key to deeper insights that can guide you in the right direction.
These techniques encourage you to slow down, quiet the noise, and cultivate an ongoing relationship with your own inner guidance.

Conclusion – Inner Voice Dialogue
When you are trying to solve a problem accessing your inner voice is absolutely critical. Give it a try in whatever form you can.
Enjoy this new spiritual technology for life success.