is a vibration unification with The Divine Matrix (The Field, Zero
Point, etc.), the innate creative nature of the universe.
When you have it manifesting becomes obsolete, for your intentions when set correctly take root automatically. You obtain the 5th Dimensional Consciousness of Self Realization.
Swati Mastakar, LOVE CODE vibration download. “Dearest Laura, Love Code is amazing! Just wanted to tell you that I have been practicing it.
I love the way you have explained it so well. It was as if I knew it already and I had forgotten . Thanks so much.
It’s a wonderful insight. I will continue to practice daily. Thanks and Regards, Swati.”
(In complement to, not replacement for, licensed professional support.)

After accessing the LOVE CODE (below) activation a goal I had been attempting to manifest for many years without success, suddenly began to happen. I had a huge insight. As soon as this clarity arrived the resources to do so appeared magically, as well.
INSTRUCTIONS. Best results are obtained by participating in your download once per day for 17 days or as guided, preferably before retiring at night.
Please watch video introduction above before purchasing, as we do not provide refunds for digital products.
After purchase if ordered on computer you should automatically be sent to the activation. If not email for the download.
- LOVE CODE. ORDER HERE. Shift your relationship with the Universe. HELPFUL FOR: Unobstructed manifesting. This is the first download considered a foundation for all this others. It provides Self Realization, unifying you with Universal Mind for unobstructed manifesting. 14 minutes long. $44.
2. HEART CODE: Shift your relationship with your HEART. LOVE Yourself LOVE Your LIFE HELPFUL FOR: Emotional healing after loss, release from sabotaging emotional patterns, grief, loss, breakup, conflict, abuse, loneliness, misfortune, anger, poor body image, low self esteem, low self care and similar issues. ”Love does not come from having another person in your life. Love comes from having yourself and your connection to Source in your life,” The Ones. Channeled introduction and order page HERE .
3. MONEY CODE. Shift your relationship with your head (intellect). HELPFUL FOR: Relieving blocks to realizing abundance, wealth, and richness. Manifest abundance without manifesting. Reset your abundance vibration code. “When a child is abused in younger years they learn scarcity. Scarcity is the element which needs to clear before they can have money, richness and abundance.” Channeled introduction and order page HERE.
4. HEALTH CODE. COMPLETION. Shift your relationship with your soul. HELPFUL FOR: Feeling confident, strong, healthy, peaceful, fearless, connected, complete, supported. The word health in Greek, means to make whole. According to the channeled introduction, the way to do this is to sublimate your individual self (your heart) into your universal self (your soul). The health code download facilitates this alignment. Channeled introduction and order page HERE.