PAST LIVES: Chinese Buddhist Reincarnation

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PAST LIVES:  Chinese Buddhist Reincarnation

QI GONG, PAST LIFE and CHINESE MASTER CHANNELED DURING READING. I was almost thrown to the floor with the energy of a Chinese Master that came during the reading for a Nurse who does Reiki healing.

QI GONG, PAST LIFE and CHINESE MASTER CHANNELED DURING READING.  I was almost thrown to the floor with the energy of a Chinese Master that came during the reading for a Nurse who does Reiki healing.

She was told, and I later confirmed through research, she was doing more than Reiki during her healing.  

She was channeling the energies she learned during an incarnation in ancient China around 5th Century AD, about the time Buddhism was introduced.  She was working with a Chinese Master who taught her on earth during the Song Dynasty.  

Fascinated, I decided to research this information.  I found out Qi Gong started a new chapter of development around this time beginning in the Liang Dynasty (500AD) but continuing through the Tang into the Song Dynasty which ended around 1300 AD.  

Article on some of this here.

She was told, and I confirmed during her reading, she was doing more than Reiki during her healing.   However, her reading revealed more than what she knew.  Her reading revealed a past lifetime in which she worked with a Chinese Zen Master doing energy healing. 

PAST LIVES:   When she healed, she was channeling the energies she learned during an incarnation in ancient China around 5th Century AD, about the time Buddhism was introduced. She was working with a Chinese Master who taught her on earth during the Song Dynasty.

Fascinated, I decided to research this information. I found out Qi Gong started a new chapter of development around this time beginning in the Liang Dynasty (500AD) but continuing through the Tang into the Song Dynasty which ended around 1300 AD.

Article on some of this here.

PAST LIVES:  When past lives are revealed during a reading it is because the client needs to hear that information for their development.  It is not planned, nor forced.  It just comes out.

Have a beautiful day!


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