PAST LIVES for HEALING. Learn how to achieve healing at the root level, by exploring past lives’ and soul contracts’ relationship to current struggles.
Each soul is born for a reason. The reason is to discover, then express, the divine consciousness. This consciousness is your magnificence, your infinite, omnipotent and creative nature.
Each time a soul chooses to incarnate it is planning a life in which to evolve towards this nature.
Recently I worked with a client whose son was ill. This was one of those mystery illnesses in which doctors did not have the complete answer.
They had a few diagnoses, but the root cause was not quite understood, and therefore, the treatment was, as well, a trial and error experience.
Spirit showed me the child’s adrenal glands were over stimulated. He had difficulty sleeping through the night due to nightmares.
I was shown by spirit that he was afraid of a moving body of water like a wave in the ocean or the current in a river.
Finally spirit showed me a past life that created trauma in him. He had been drowned in a river for committing a crime for which he did not commit.
He was born into this life time with this trauma intact, causing adrenal fatigue in his body. This adrenal fatigue had affected according to spirit his thyroid and immune system.
Spirit said he had an autoimmune issue as his adrenal glands worked overtime in a fight or flight mode from trauma he brought into this life time.
All of this that could be confirmed, was confirmed.
The take away from this is to become aware that many of the traumas we experience in our current lifetime are set up for our evolution to higher states of awareness and consciousness.
Examples of possible soul plans made from traumatic past lives are as follows.
- Being caught in a dysfunctional love relationship which goes round and round for years and years so you can learn how to love yourself, your innate consciousness, your magnificence.
- Born into a poor home, with violence, poverty and hate so you can learn about your innate strength, wisdom and power, your magnificence.
- Required by parents to behave a certain way, inauthentic to you so you can learn to unravel the hidden self, discover its power and express it this lifetime in a full throttled expression of your consciousness and magnificence.

When we understand “the why” behind emotional, physical and/or mental dysfunction we are able to unravel the healing puzzle and begin to solve it.
I suggested this child be given past life regression from a licensed professional versed in the work of Brian Weiss, MD, “Many Lives, Many Masters,” to release the trauma.
There were many other suggestions spirit gave to healing at the symptom level, but I believe this “reveal” was the most powerful aspect of spirit’s service this session.
Spirit Medium Laura