Personal Stories About Life After Death can help you feel comforted if you are feeling lost, alone, afraid, in grief or just confused about your life purpose. The following stories are relayed here to help you know the after life is real and that life continues after physical death.
My After Life Story
In 2017 I went to a big Afterlife Conference in Phoenix. I was very tired from my work as a medium and wanted a higher power to lead me, give me direction, validate my life purpose.
So when I attended the keynote event in a huge conference hall holding 500 people, I received an answer to my prayers.

This event was being led by the famous medium Susanne Wilson. Before it started I literally looked up at the ceiling of that room with great anxiety and prayer.
I said to higher powers, “What am I supposed to do next? I feel unappreciated, exhausted and uninspired. Please tell me what to do next to remedy this. Give me direction.”
I said this with all my heart and feelings.
Wouldn’t you know it. The medium announced to the group that she had a message for two people in the hall that could take the name “Dolly.” She said she already knew one of them but was asking for the other.
To my amazement my father, who was in spirit, had a sister in law named Dolly, not a common name. So I raised my hand.

The medium then gave me another name, John. John is Dolly’s son, my father’s nephew, my cousin. Another wow moment.
Then she said a few other things about my father which were true.
Finally she said, “We [many souls in spirit] are very grateful for your work and what you are doing for us. Thank you. Keep up the good work.”
So there was my answer. Keep up the good work of being a medium.
My father was behind this very clear message.
Spirit Is Real
This meant to me, that spirit is VERY REAL. I was being told that life continues, I should have hope, not despair, about my life and feel protected, directed and on my life purpose. Life is never wasted.
If you are in a position in life where you feel you have no purpose, you are burned out or simply nothing is working for you, it is important to know there is a larger context in which all of this occurs.
This context, which is superior to our material world, is the world of spirit. The world of spirit is an energy world. The human After Life is part of this, but there are worlds beyond this.
The nature of non-physical energy worlds is infinite. It never ends.
This energy world is the real world. Earth is a hologram abstraction from the energy world.
Therefore every fear you face, every moment of uncertainty is as real as you sitting on the halo deck of the Starship Enterprise. It may feel real, but at its conclusion you will go right back to your home, the spirit world.
Never be afraid again.
Ways That the After Life Talks to You
The after life can talk to you in so many ways from numbers, lights flickering, psychic readings, songs on the radio, items found that were lost, hunches you get, etc. I have received messages in lucid dreams too!
There is no end to the ways spirit will elevate your vibration with a hello.
I have a friend who is in a health crisis. She recently told me how she thought her father connected with her from the after life to offer support and solace during this time of need.
She said, “I walked into my bathroom and the light started flickering like there was no tomorrow. I love that. I always think it’s my dad, who realizes that I’m distraught or is celebrating my victories and there for my losses. He’s the one who updated the back of my house and he’s the one that put the lights in back there, so I’m sure he is able to control them from the other side. LOL.”

Fun Quiz to Get a Message
Click HERE on this picture to get your message. Who knows this message might be a message to you from the after life.

Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private session with spirit through Laura at www.BookLaura.com