POSITIVE SPIRITUAL INSPIRATION. Today I was inspired to meditation and contemplate the higher light of love. Here are some inspirations to share with you.

POSITIVE SPIRITUAL INSPIRATION.   This Sunday morning, Easter, I had an inspiration to do some quiet spiritual meditation and contemplation.

Here is some of the positive spiritual inspiration that came from this.

LET GO RELATIONSHIPS.  Powerful words to let go of relationships that no longer serve you, but still haunt you. “I forgive you. I love you. I set you free.”

POSITIVE PRAYER for the DAY. “Please awaken me, Dear Lord, to what I AM DOING that blocks attainment of my deepest desires and dreams so that I may realize them. Thank you dear Lord. Amen.”

MESSAGE of INSPIRATION from The Ones that watch over us, the ones closest to GOD Source.

“Today is a day of reckoning.

What is it that bothers you today? Hand it up to a higher power.

Ask that love be sent your way, not in the tangible sense of roses in a vase, but rather the spiritual sense of FEELING the LIGHT, feeling the presence.

All good things are the presence of the eternal light. All things are the inside job. Not the outside sob.

Ask today that you feel the light. It is there to guide you, to hold you, to heal you.

Feel the light to sight you to tomorrow’s day, tomorrow’s way.

Find your path in the light.


The Ones

SPIRITUAL ELEVATION. I chose this video to increase my sense of divine today. Enjoy!

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