We are The Ones, of higher vibration who have come to earth to help, heal and remove the obstacles to your cosmic awakening, your cosmic consciousness.
Why is this consciousness so important? Because when you arrive at cosmic consciousness you will know yourself more, you will understand that all things are your mind creating them, that love is the only vibration and that alignment with love will help all others to know themselves more, to understand the light, the frequency of love.
We are The Ones, of higher vibration who have come to earth to help, heal and remove the obstacles to your cosmic awakening, your cosmic consciousness.

Why is this consciousness so important? Because when you arrive at cosmic consciousness you will know yourself more, you will understand that all things are your mind creating them, that love is the only vibration and that alignment with love will help all others to know themselves more, to understand the light, the frequency of love.
So now that you understand that love is all there is, you must also understand that you contribute to this light of love.
We are not alone on the journey to light. You too participate.
One of the most important elements of moving towards greater illumination, greater frequency of light, is to be innocent.
The active mind inhibits your ascension to the light and higher vibrations.
It is innocence that allows this to happen.
We do not mean that you should be naive or not aware.
No, just the opposite. We mean that you should allow the journey of light to move through you on a daily basis. This is hyper aware.
You should FEEL THE LIGHT.
How is this done? By becoming calm, by meditating, but more on the breath than on the way of life. You need to actually be still.
Only in stillness can you feel the light. Yes, feel it. This is more a feeling thing than a knowing thing, so innocence must be present to feel the light.
We say “feel the light,” for it is felt, not known. It is sensed, not seen. Seeing is an intellectual thing.
When you “see” something, you know it. We ask you be innocent, to feel it.
Feeling something is a very direct line of communication to the subconscious mind of God. We in the spirit realm know how to see, but you on earth confuse seeing with believing.
We do not “see” to believe. We know to see what is really there. When we “see” something we actually see it as it is, not as we would like it to be.
On earth when you “see” something you are intellectualizing it, you are removing innocence from it, and placing your mind on it.
Therefore we ask again, no we actually implore you to “see,” without the eyes of knowing, but rather the eyes of innocence, for it is only in innocence that you can really “see” what is there.
So now you might ask, “What is there, that we do not see? Can you help me see better, dear Ones?”
Yes we can. We can help you see who you are, without judgement, without light, without preconceived notions about who you “should” be.
When you can “see” yourself as innocent, stripped of preconceived notions about who you are, who you should be and what you should want, you will begin to just BE in the presence.
The Presence is your gift from cosmic consciousness. Cosmic consciousness requires you simply are the I AM, nothing more, NOTHING LESS. You simply ARE.
When you allow yourself to BE who you ARE you will then “see” what really is.
The Ones, I AM that I AM
(Channeled through Spirit Medium Laura)