PRAYER for IMMEDIATE RESULTS. The obvious is often overlooked, but prayer used correctly can be your most potent tool for healing to happiness.
Many people call me on my radio show asking if they will get this or that thing. Rarely does a client hire me to tell them this, because by the time they decide to hire me they understand.
We create our reality.
Part of the creation process is prayer. Yes. Such a simple thing as prayer is often misunderstood, taken for granted or not even used as we navigate through life.
Prayer demonstrates how there really is a deity, immediately!
Yesterday I was hurting badly.
This pain had been something I had been carrying around with me for a long time. It was not only a recent disappointment but the years of trouble I had had with a soul mate that just didn’t seem to heal.
Finally as I sat in my back yard yesterday hurting so badly inside I could have exploded into a spontaneous fire, I tried to relax.
I began listening to my favorite meditation, the sound of the ocean. As I sat there with the breeze gently massaging my being, the air fresh and nurturing, I started to pray.
I prayed directly from my heart to the Source, with sincere desire. I asked for healing.
I said, “Dear God please heal me.” I kept on saying this over and over again, finally shortening the phrase to “heal me.”
A funny thing happened. I felt soothed, calmer, quieter and more peaceful.
The pain began to dissipate. I noticed this as a miracle, since I had not been able to release this pain using any other method for so long.
Such a simple thing as prayer can have such a profound effect.

There are so many belief systems. Whatever your belief, know there is a presence that is loving, responsive and healing available to you many call God.
My experience has shown me God does not care what name you call him, her, them or it. Call upon The Presence with sincerity, surrender and need and it will be activated.
Your connection to the Source is the miracle. Access this and your life will be filled with healing to happiness.
- Use prayer only when you really mean it; to ask God for help.
- Do not use prayer as a way to get frivolous things, to hurt others or to do your ego’s bidding.
- Say prayer while in a meditative, relaxed and focused state.
- It is useful to use meditation music for help to get into this focused, peaceful, centered space.
- Simplicity is key. At first state the entire problem, but then find a short phrase which you can use over and over to express your need.
- Chant this need over and over again, much like a mantra in meditation, but directed towards the Deity for sincere help.
- Surrender. Prayer works best when you are asking for Divine assistance, where you are surrendering your efforts to something greater for re-calibration.
- It is not giving up, though. It is going up to God for a booster shot from the miraculous.
- Humility is part of this process. If you are trying to do everything yourself, you cannot access the power of prayer.
- Prayer is personal empowerment; not passive. Like going to a doctor for a shot of medication, your body will heal itself with the medicine. When you are asking God to grant you something, know your soul is taking action for it to happen.
Spirit Medium Laura
To book your private session with Laura go to
Thanks Leigh. I have found though that it is rare for me to get into that prayer state of sincerity, surrender and serenity. Takes a bit of practice, I think. Have a loving day! Laura
This is a really good and very insightful article. Thank you for writing it. It is comforting to know that when we really need help and assistance that there is Someone Who is more than willing to help us.