PROOF of AFTERLIFE: Coordinated Coincidences from spirit on Cruise Trip prove how real the After Life is. Included below is Channeled material from Keepers of Light.
I recently got back from a lovely cruise to the Western Caribbean on Royal Caribbean Empress of the Seas.
The first night there I was waiting in line for the dinner dining room, when three lovely women began chatting with my niece and me.
After my niece announced she was a Science Teacher, and the other women shared their backgrounds I shared that I was a Medium.
Of course, I was asked the obligatory question, “You mean like the Long Island Medium?”
I said, “Yes, but my fingernails are not as long.”
After a few chuckles each woman shared she wanted to have a session with me during the cruise. The reason is they each had been wanting to meet with a medium.
Each of them had a specific reason to need to speak to the Other side, the After Life.
Not thinking anything of it or even if they would call, I shared contact information and forgot about it.
The phone in my Stateroom rang on the appointed day. Each woman independent of the other wanted to meet with me.
After arranging the appointments and fulfilling them some interesting coincidences became clear.
Each woman lost their husband within the last few months to a year.
Each woman had lost their husbands suddenly. There was no warning, nor closure.
Each woman really needed to have a connection. One woman’s husband had a lot of unfinished emotional business with her in addition to the sudden passing.
I do not usually get clients out of the blue like this, let alone each having a similar loss, with a similar need for closure.
When this happens I realize the After Life is real. Those in Spirit are working to connect those on earth who are suffering with a medium for closure.
It brings me great satisfaction to know I am a part of this service, being available to help as needed.
Sending you all love and light,

Here is some Channeling about this type of coordination of the After Life with those on earth.
Dear Spirit Guides, was this a random coincidence or a coordinated service from spirit for HEALING to HAPPINESS?
It was a coordinated service of love from the other side. We are always looking to put you in front of those that need your service if you as the medium are willing to be of service in this way and if the receiver is willing to have a sitting.
There are those on earth who do not benefit from mediumship sittings, but those that do will attempt to get through to the medium and/or their loved ones to receive messages, especially if the passing was unrequited in some way.
When a soul leaves earth suddenly and there is no closure this is of great distress for the soul and for the remaining loved one on earth.
We as the Keepers of Light attempt in all our ways to help, be of service in creating the healing needed for all parties.
[NOTE: I did not ask for the “Keepers of Light” to come through, nor did I know who they are. But after re-reading this channeling I realized they named themselves here without my even asking.
So I asked them since when I Googled this name I found several threads all of which could be relevant. Here is what they said.
‘We are the Ascended Masters. We are all of them, but these Ascended Masters are The Pleiadians and other cosmic groups. It is difficult to say we are only one force as we are many.
We are part of a stream of consciousness that has to do with healing the modern soul of man, those who are in need of enlightenment and are asking for evolution and growth.
We work with you because you want to know us and what we are doing. Your purpose is to work with us. Amen. Namaste,’]
As well, this method of connecting, through a medium, affords the additional service of firm proof of the Afterlife for all involved in this coincidence.
When coincidences are more than random, but rather structured and matched in their meaning you should know, all of you, that spirit is intervening in your welfare and how you feel about yourself.
We are here to assist you at every hand, every opportunity.
All you have to do is ask.
So ask please so that we can assist you.
Some of you may be asking is this God? What is this voice coming through Spirit Medium Laura.
It is us, The Ones of Christ and Kingdom of love. [We are the Ones of Christ because we shed this light on humanity. This is called Christ Love and Christ Consciousness. It is a symbol of love, light and vibration.]
We come from the Kingdom of Love where all are equal and in the light.
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