Proof of Life After Death.
You might think I am crazy or deficient in some way, but really at times I do not really KNOW that life continues, even though I am regularly speaking to souls that have transitioned.
However, every now and then there is an after life communication so specific, that it makes the hair stand up on my head.
Monday night’s radio show had such a communication. It is at 20 -21 minutes into this video. Since the audio is so poor on the video I suggest you listen to the Blog Talk Radio version of the show at about 20 minutes in.
Go HERE to listen.
The caller, asked for an other side connection. Her grandmother came in with evidence it was her.
Then at the end of the connection her grandmother said through me, “I like the purple gemstone crystal, you wear around your neck.”
I dutifully delivered the message, as this is what I am supposed to do no matter how strange the message might seem.
To my amazement (and I really should no longer be amazed, I confess) the sitter, said to me, “I am wearing it around my head, not my neck.”
At that moment I realized we just witnessed a miracle. The grandmother in spirit commented to her granddaughter, the sitter, as if they were having a chat at the kitchen table.
The take away for you, the reader, is we do NOT die.
We live on in an energy form, but nevertheless, we live on!
Channeling About Life After Death from The Ones
Dear Spirit, do you have other words to support these ideas of the after life and the survival of individual consciousness after death?
We feel that love is the connection between the other side and you. If there is a love connection, a deep bond between the soul in spirit and those on earth you will be able to get the soul to speak, in highly specific ways.
If there is no love bond, or emotional bond, then you will not be able to get that connection very strong.
You have had some issues of late where some souls do not come through, while others come through so clearly it impresses you.
You have been asking us what this means, how you can improve it.
The answer is love. When there is an emotional bond, when there is a love bond the soul will step forward and reveal itself.
As for continuity of life the reason we mention this is because at times when a soul does NOT step forward and does not provide very specific evidence it is difficult to feel that life continues.
However, when a soul does step forward and offers such specific evidence as to shock you, the reason is not that life does or does not continue.
The reason this happens is because that soul had a very strong emotional bond to the sitter for whatever reason that might be.
Some souls do not come through because they are working on something in the spirit realm which prevents their human or emotional bond to the sitter.
It may not mean they do not love the sitter, it simply means that whatever they are working on at that moment in time (spirit time) they do not need to speak to the sitter.
The sitter may need to speak to them, but they do not need to speak to the sitter.
So understand that a soul appearing with specific evidence helps you believe in life after death, but also understand that some souls do not want to come through because they do not have the emotional need to do so at that moment in time.
One does not negate the other. One does not validate or invalidate the other. All aspects of this are relevant.
What is Spirit Time?
Spirit time is the time we give to you when we are working like this. It is an obtuse extension of the every time [All Time] in which we live.
When we connect to earth realms we connect in a specific linear fashion, which then we call spirit time.
Spirit time is a slice from All Time, which is the other side’s time fraction [relationship?].
Could you say this in a simpler way?
Yes we can. Spirit time is how we identify the time we work with you as it relates to our world.
We take a slice of All Time which is the other side’s time and then extend it into your dimension. During that facilitation it appears as if we have time in our realm.
But we do not. We simply are able to appear to you linearly, although we are always in a specific place at a specific time we do not experience time as linear.
We experience time as functional. We get what we need at all times from time.
You, on the other hand, having an earth experience, experience time as if it were one thing, linear.
We know time is just an extension of self, of consciousness. We experience time in its real form, which is how we perceive and use it.
Time is useful to us to grow, expand and evolve. So we experience time in a subjective, not objective way.
When we say a soul is not available to speak to a sitter on earth because they are experiencing something not related to human emotions during the the mediumship session we mean that soul is unable to speak through a medium at that time.
The reason they cannot is because in their subjective use of time, they are growing, healing and evolving and then unable to communicate.
The Ones Through Spirit Medium Laura
Spirit Medium Laura Channeling The Ones
Wow. Well that is interesting. I have to think about that a bit.
Hope this was helpful to you.