Proof of Afterlife. After years of doing mediumship I have developed a deep acceptance of its reality. This article showcases some exceptional connections and below you will find a video which illustrates “proof of afterlife.”
OK, OK. You are probably tired of hearing me rant about how spirit is talking through me lately.
Spirit is talking so clearly that now I am becoming more of a believer. What does that mean?
It means that I simply accept spirit is there, spirit is real. The more I accept it. The clearer the connection to spirit, the deeper the evidence, the more prescient the communications.
Just this past week I received feedback from three sitters about what their loved ones in spirit communicated through me to them.
I knew the sessions were good, but hearing from the recipients gives us PROOF OF AFTERLIFE!
This week I received a correspondence from someone who gets my newsletter. He asked me if I could convince a skeptic of the afterlife.
I answered no.

When we don’t believe, there is little anyone can do to prove the after life is real.
I understand what it is to be skeptical. If I must confess, it has taken me years of doing the work, upfront and personal to finally know the afterlife exists.
Why? Because the sessions are so lucid, so clear.
I hear the souls speak right into my head and to my amazement are accurately talking to their loved ones through me about things they needed to hear.
Truly amazing experiences.
Here are three testimonials and a recording of two of the readings from Monday nights Messages with Medium Laura. Sign up for newsletter using form on sidebar to be invited to this free online event.
Here are the testimonials.
Diana O’Keefe. Private mediumship session. “Laura thank you so much for such an awesome session with you & my Joe. I truly felt as though I had a conversation with Joe through you. It was just 2 weeks after his passing a little over a year ago that for some reason I went on the internet and researched mediums I am truly blessed that I found you.
There’s no question in mind that Joe is using you as a way to tell me all the things he didn’t have time to say and as a way to continue our strong relationship.
As I told you before we shared 34 wonderful years together we are true soul mates. You give me hope that the relationship can continue.
Namaste and
Happy Thanksgiving!
Missy S., Mediumship reading during MESSAGES with MEDIUM LAURA Podcast. “Laura you are truly a gift. XX is going to book a private reading with you soon and I have shared your lives and your page with many friends. Thank you and I can only hope to do half of what you do some day! I may even book one around Christmas when my mom is in town.
The breadsticks you mentioned, XX thinks maybe it was biscotti? Lol. He loved biscotti and the dog (if in spirit) may have been her mom’s dog who passed. Amazing info. Thanks so much”
Her reading is at 9 minutes into this video below, Then, it is followed by 2 more spirit communication sessions in which the deceased loved ones took their own life!
But first another testimonial from it.
Melissa G., Mediumship for Melissa on MESSAGES with MEDIUM LAURA podcast. “Thank you again Laura…. hearing from my son again makes my heart happy for a second I understand everything you said to me .. the slender him and the bigger him he was looking great when he passed the beat he has looked in a very long time … the “r” was my step brother whom I lost to a drug overdose a few yrs back so it’s nice they are together!! I understand everything so thank you again ….. really appreciated really !!! god bless thank you much love”
Mediumship starts at 9 minutes into this video.