How to Start A Psychic Phone Business Online. Do you long to work from home, make your own hours and do the work you love. It is possible. I did it and so can you.
How to Start A Psychic Phone Business Online
It can be a bit overwhelming, like you will never, ever be able to have a psychic phone business, one you can run from home, online in your comfortable jammies when you feel like it.
BUT! It is possible to run your own phone psychic business . Below find a brief outline of what I did to start, then grow into a full fledged online business doing phone psychic readings and much more.
FREE OFFER. ONLINE ENTREPRENEUR CERTIFICATION! 10 Lessons. Rated 9.5 out of 10. Learn the steps I use to create my own successful online business that generates revenue. Choose your profitable niche, build your OWN website (2 included FREE!), learn how to get your site found on Google, create quality content that sells your services and products! JOIN MAILING LIST AT RIGHT to INSTANTLY GET.

How to Start A Psychic Phone Business Online
- START. When you feel ready after getting training do local workshops, events and readings to build your mailing list, gain exposure, develop your skills and get testimonials.
- Start with local readings at psychic fairs, perhaps even volunteering at a Spiritualist Church or a place where psychic readings are done on a regular basis.
- Create your own psychic fair if there are non locally. Advertise it. Find the space. Get other psychics together and run it.
- At first work for nothing or a small donation.
- Use a low cost online email marketing software to save the emails and start sending helpful content to your subscribers.
- List your business in Google Local to gain exposure to local searches. This is FREE and extremely powerful!
- Take Credit Cards. I use Paypal. It is the easiest for this type of business to get started.
- Write articles that are Search Engine Optimized (SEO) so you are found on Google. Make sure your articles are helpful and at least 500 words in length. There is a science and an art to this taught in the Online Entrepreneur training (you can get start to get training on this by joining our mailing list at top right of this page) or you can piece it together by reading articles and watching videos online about this.
- Publish these articles in social media and send to your email list after publishing to your blog. There are ways to automate some of this.
- Offer something of value to potential clients on your blog for FREE in exchange for people joining your mailing list.
- GAIN EXPOSURE. Build your mailing list while continuing to develop your skills and get testimonials. This offers future client appointments and sales of helpful products.
- Comment in relevant groups online to gain exposure to your blog. Use Google Alerts to find where to comment.
- Do online events and readings. Consider doing a FREE radio show on or some other media outlet. Facebook LIVE events are awesome!
- Do events with other lightworkers with a comparable mailing list in complimentary modalities to expand exposure.
- Continue to build your mailing list.
- MONETIZE YOUR BLOG. Monetize your blog as your mailing list and SEO grows.
- Sell other people’s products as an affiliate and your own products via articles, videos and newsletter mailings. I am an [easyazon_link identifier=”B00Q0GXJGK” locale=”US” tag=”spiri033-20″]Amazon affiliate[/easyazon_link]as an example.
- Sell advertising space on your blog.
- Sell spots to Guest Bloggers. As your blog grows in size others will want to write for your blog for a fee and get paid for it.
- Rinse and repeat.
How to Start A Psychic Phone Business Online
FREE OFFER. ONLINE ENTREPRENEUR CERTIFICATION! 10 Lessons. Rated 9.5 out of 10. Learn the steps I use to create my own successful online business that generates revenue. Choose your profitable niche, build your OWN website (2 included FREE!), learn how to get your site found on Google, create quality content that sells your services and products! JOIN MAILING LIST AT TOP RIGHT to INSTANTLY GET.
BOOK WITH LAURA. Have personal questions? A private session with Laura can be very helpful. Book HERE.