Dreams can be very useful to help you solve problems, connect with loved ones in spirit or even find things you have lost. I personally have communicated with individuals in dreams telepathically, learned about plane crashes which happened during the night and had my mother visit me several times from the other side all while dreaming.
- Cover of Psychic Dreaming
Amazon Book: Psychic Dreaming
Here are a few tips to increase your ability to use your dreams.
1. Avoid alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and drugs before going to bed.
2. Some nutritional substances are found to increase REM sleep and thus dreaming. 5-HTP, Many B-vitamins (especially B-6), Choline, Galantamine, Zinc, Melatonin, DMAE, Vitamin C. Some herbs such as Valerian, Mugwort and Mullein as well as several others used to relax and sleep are helpful to dream more.
4. Crystals and magnets can help you have and remember more dreams. These crystals in particular are helpful: Flourite, labradorite, morganite and turquentine.
5. Ask in prayer before you go to bed to receive answers to specific questions, have contact with a loved one in spirit or have a psychic dream. Visualize yourself having this dream with the full answer being presented. Affirm you are going to have a psychic dream before going to bed.
6. Keep a journal next to your bed so when you awake you can jot down any dreams you remember. If you do not remember any dreams sit with pen and journal for a few minutes upon awakening. Move around as little as possible before doing this. Do not play the radio, TV or speak to anyone. When you start to make entries into a dream journal you are training your subconscious to send you information about your dreams.
7. Meditation and mindfulness. The more you meditate the more likely you are training your mind to step outside itself to produce psychic information during your dream state.
Amazon CD: BMV Quantum Subliminal CD Set- 4 SUBLIMINAL CDs – Advanced Psychic Ability / Psychic Development Program (ESP, Clairvoyance, Dreams, Astral Travel & Telepathy – Develop Supernatural Powers – Paranormal / Psychic CD Collection with Brainwave Entrainment Technology & NLP (4 CDs: Psychic Ability, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection / Out of Body Experiences, Remote Viewing / Remote Viewer Aid)
- Image via Wikipedia
Using these techniques should help you begin to set up a dialogue with your subconscious to produce more information and better results when you are dreaming.
Remember that when you sleep your brain naturally slows down. Delta is too slow for dreaming to occur, but in deep Alpha to Theta brain wave state, you will have dreams, some of which will be psychic.
In summary your brain is most ripe for psychic information when sleeping. When you begin to ask to receive such information, and then pay attention to what is received you will increase your ability to have psychic dreams.
Excellent info once again. Thumbs up;)