FREE Psychic Medium Development Classes online. The recorded lesson linked below is free, however there is a small fee to attend the LIVE circle online and participate in the lesson. Go to to RSVP to attend the LIVE circle.
Another psychic I know does online Psychic Medium Development for $10 a circle Monday evenings. Here is her info:
Each week a different class, then practice in the online message circle.
CERTIFICATION TRAINING. These classes are inspired by the Soul Psychic Healer Mediumship Certification. This is a 16 week online training which provides self paced video lessons, books and exercises for your development. Go HERE for more information.
Want to Become Limitless? Check the LIMITLESS series HERE.

Go to to learn of any changes and join the next class online.
BELOW find past and future classes.

COURSE 1: SOUL ABUNDANCE. As you align with LOVE your psychic ability and abundance is awakened. More information on the complete course is HERE.
PLAYSHOP 1. LET GO OF BLOCKS to abundance and psychic sight. Increase self awareness. Learn an ancient healing technique channeled to Laura. In meditative state we will choose a number from 1 to 7 standing for our blocked chakra. We will channel healing light through that portal to clear the block. We will receive for each other on this block time allowing. Written class.
PLAYSHOP 2. OPEN your SOUL PURPOSE & DREAMS. We will learn our soul purpose by choosing a number from 1 to 12, each standing for a different Jungian archetype. We will do the same for a partner in class. More can be received about your purpose during message service with Laura or practice readings after that. Written Class Go HERE.
PLAYSHOP 3. VIBRATION. Manifest Your Dreams & Psychic exercise. Vibration equals Verbalization plus Visualization. We will verbalize and visualize our dream. Then we will psychically perceive whether our vibration shifted. Written Class HERE.
PLAYSHOP 4. ENGAGE your GOD Flow. GOD stands for Guidance, Opportunities and Destiny. After prayer, meditation and energy connection, teacher asks all students to create a question about the next step to take to fulfill their life purpose. Teacher pulls a card from this online deck. (Two other decks linked on class page.) All students write down the messages they get from this card for themselves. Whatever they get is correct. Teacher asks for volunteer in class. Asks volunteer for his or her question. Teacher then uses card to answer their question. Class now discusses what they got for themselves. Breakout with partners we will do the same thing and students can practice other kinds of readings with each other as inclined. Written class HERE.
COURSE 2: Channeling Spirit. More information on complete course is HERE.
PLAYSHOP 1. LET GO EGO to CHANNEL. OBJECTIVE: Allow information from spirit to easily flow into us. After prayer, meditation and energy connection we create a story around one of 3 pictures revealed in class. We take this story and apply it as a message for our self. Teacher reads for a student using the pictures. We discuss what we got. Later when we work with partners in the class we do other desired readings. Written class HERE.
PLAYSHOP 2. OPEN to CHANNEL SPIRIT: Automatic Writing for Mediumship. MEDIUMSHIP BEGINS in THIS MONDAY’S DEVELOPMENT CLASS. We will focus on a self hypnosis tool to go into deep trance. Once there we will receive messages using automatic writing about a missing person photo. This class teaches how it feels to go into trance, how to allow messages to flow to you using automatic writing and lastly begins the work of mediumship. Written class HERE! Video class HERE.
PLAYSHOP 3. VOCAL CONTACT. Telepathy Contact with Spirit (Your Guides or Discarnates). We will use a very deep, channeled by Laura meditation to allow us to go into deep trance and meet our guides or a loved one in spirit for a circle attendee (more advanced students). Prior to doing meditation, we will set intention to (1) meet our guide (or loved one), (2) get a name, (3) see them, and (4) get an answer to a personal question, etc. It might feel like you are making this up. That is just fine. Write down everything you get. Written class HERE.
PLAYSHOP 4. EXPLORE AKASHA. A long meditation will be played where you will be guided into your akashic records to explore a past life. Link here. Take notes on what you found when you were in there. It might feel like you are making this up. That is just fine. Write down everything you get. You will be given an otherside exercise to do later or simply read on past lives for partners in class. Written class HERE.
Course 3. . PSYCHIC CREATIVITY (Clairvoyance)
Course 3. PLAYSHOP 1. LOOK at SPIRIT. Remote Viewing. Attendees will be asked to “SEE” a soul for the teacher in spirit. They will write everything down they see. DISCUSSION. Later during breakout session students will focus on “seeing” souls in spirit for each other.During an exercise it might feel like you are making this up. That is just fine. Write down everything you get. Written outline of this class HERE.
PLAYSHOP 2. Telepathy. After a hypnotic introduction teacher will send students an object telepathically, which can be seen clairvoyantly (or you can use psychic hearing, feeling or knowing). Then students will send to the group other objects. We will use a limited group of defined objects to help with the receiving. Then students will receive on a missing person case. Written class HERE.
PLAYSHOP 3. Seeing Spirit map for relationship to sitter. Teacher shows the spirit map around a sitter of deceased loved ones. Students imagine the map around them and “see” their known loved ones in spirit on the map. Students now do this for a partner in class. lLater in breakout rooms do the same. Written class HERE.
PLAYSHOP 4. Seeing Spirit Portrait. Ask that your deceased loved one in spirit show you a picture of themselves before their passing. Then do for a partner. See them in detail. Animals can be included.
MEDIUMSHIP (Claircognizance) Communicate With Other Side.
PLAYSHOP 1. Cause of Passing. Ask your loved one in spirit to show you their cause of passing. Do for a partner in class. You must see spirit portrait and get relationship first before doing this. Pets can be included.
PLAYSHOP 2. Personal Messages. Student asks for a loved one in spirit to come in and give them a personal message. Do same for a partner in class. Pets can be included.
PLAYSHOP 3. Spirit Names. Ask a loved one in spirit to give you the name of someone important to them on earth and a personal message around this. Do same for partner in class.
PLAYSHOP 4. Allowing Spirit. Deliver The Fantastic 5: Appearance, Relationship, Cause of Passing, Names and Personal Message. Review the idea of allowing spirit to talk to you. Student asks for a loved one in spirit to come in and give them all this information about themselves. Do same for a partner in class. Do not worry if right or wrong. Make the attempt. During breakout rooms do more of this with your partner.
PLAYSHOP 5. (Optional.) Psychic Detective. Receive on an FBI missing person picture. Teacher supplies 3 pictures of 3 different people. Attempt to get a name, dead or alive, last seen, location last seen, anything else. Reveal what the correct answer is. Ask students to raise their hands if they got correct answer.