Raise your level of joy, peace and conscious creation.

After many years of denying who I am spirit finally had to “force” me to accept my purpose on earth.

My purpose is to help you L.O.V.E. your life with SoulTalk:  Let go of fear, Open your heart’s desire, Vibrate this desire to Entirely receive your miraculous abundant flow.

Mediumship. Some of this is done as a channel to your loved ones in spirit for your healing.

Healing.  Some of this is done is done in sessions focused on you, which result in channeled advice, meditations, affirmations, quantum energy entrainment and vibrational products.

This type of healing will “clear, align and ascend” your frequency to release.

  • past life karmic patterns,
  • soul mate addictions
  • life purpose blocks
  • toxic energetic chords
  • etc.

When you “clear, align and ascend” to a higher frequency you will increase your ability to:

  • manifest your heart’s desire
  • live your abundant life purpose
  • feel peace, joy and security
  • receive your spiritual guidance
  • receive psychic sight
  • Slow down aging
  • FLOW (synchronicity, intuition and opportunities)

After this work one client reported feeling, a relief, a sense of being lighter, like as if a heavy weight was taken from me.  I now have more understanding on the relationships with my — and — providing alleviation on my path.”

Psychic Soul Healing is Laura’s area of specialization.  To begin reaping your magic today, contact Laura, Psychic and Medium, at 954 465 7338 or for your appointment.