There are individuals that exist who are so disconnected from source, they try in every way they can to “steal” energy from others to complete themselves. They are called Psychic Vampires.
Have you ever been in the presence of someone so negative you could hardly move? Perhaps you felt dizzy, drained and immobilized.
Buy the book: Psychic Vampires: Protection from Energy Predators & Parasites. Review excerpt: “We all know these people. The guy at work that gets in your face and talks really loud and fast so you can’t hold your own in the conversation. The woman that stops you in the hall to gossip about your co-workers and cause dissent. The family member that calls to complain about the fact that you don’t call them. These are all techniques that psychic vampires use.”
Perhaps you were the one that drained others. You were the Psychic Vampire. As you went through a negative period in your life, you just could not see how to heal, or empower yourself. You kept blaming everyone and everything around you as responsible for your problems. Ironically, the more you cried the less help you got!
Well, no wonder you were a Psychic Vampire and probably drained others. They did not want to help you. They just couldn’t take the toxicity.
Psychic Vampires are individuals so disconnected from source, they try in every way they can to “steal” energy from others to complete themselves. They are disconnected from their soul, a higher power and sense of rightness about the world.

The other day I did a message circle. I mentioned to my psychic partner that my heart was pounding as we set up for the circle. We did not think anything of it, however, after one person arrived I started to weaken.
My normal confidence, clear messages and command of self was gone. I felt disempowered. My head was foggy. I was disconnected from my intuition and psychic abilities.
Finally I started to realize a particular person was draining me. But I realized it too late. The damage had already been done. When I attempted to put up an energetic shield I was so psychically drained I could not construct it. My mind was failing me!
She was so negative. She tried to get into the event by lying about payment. She kept interrupting the delivery of messages to correct us.
She asked I read for her after the circle. Still not realizing what was going on, I attempted to do so. No matter what I said, she denied the veracity of the message, just as she denied the reality of her self created hell. As this continued, I began to feel a swarm of ants all over my body. I was being psychically attacked.
She didn’t mean to attack me, but her antagonistic view of the world had been so fully formed before me, it was as if I had been let down in the Antarctic naked. I was a doomed before I even started!
I tried to put up a mental shield so as to protect myself. However, as she continued about why her life was rotten, how every person had abandoned her and was wrong, I realized I could not win this battle for survival and just faltered.
She had won. I had been zapped.
At that point I went home. For the remainder of the evening I felt listless, separated from myself, my joy, my connection to source, to God. I was broken.
As I lied in bed, unable to sleep a parade of imaginary ants continued to climb on my weary frame. Finally, I realized it was time for a healing! Spirit gave me a simple energy cleansing routine which I laid out below.
Remember, if you feel drained when around certain people, it is because they do not have their connection with source right. They are looking to “steal” energy from you to feel good. They could be people with good intentions simply gone bad because they are desperately unhappy.
Think of the “Celestine Prophecy.” These are people that believe they need something from others to feel complete. They need love, money, attention, sex, whatever. They are just plain needy and targeted you to nourish them. Hence the term, Psychic Vampire.

Here are some of the symptoms of being attacked.
- Disempowerment.
- Foggy head.
- Pounding in the chest or heart area.
- Inability to articulate your truth.
- Mental energy sucked out of you.
- Feeling of weakness.
- Feeling listless.
- Detached from centered self, identity.
- Sadness for no reason, crying.
10. Inability to sleep or restlessness
11. Wanting to cry for no reason.
12. Feel empty.
You do not have to physically be with a Psychic Vampire to be attacked by one. You could be attacked from a distance if they are angry, jealous or just need your energy.
Prevention: Create a white, green or pink bubble of light around you. This creates a wall or shield from being attacked or drained. Must do before being around the public or a person you know already drains you.
It is too late to do this if you are already in their field of energy (in person or remotely).
Remedy after you have been attacked.
Chakra cleansing and grounding technique. Cleanses by “washing” color through your chakras.
- Lie down. Start at the root chakra. Pour a red beam of light from front of your body through to back, washing out lower vibration energy
- Do the same at each chakra. Go to sacral (orange), solar plexus (yellow), heart (green), throat (blue), third eye (purple) and crown (white).
- At crown beam white light into the top of your head. Imagine it goes all the way through each chakra cleansing out any remaining residue of lower energy down out through your feet. You should feel a pleasant sensation of relief as you do this last step.
- Do until you feel cleansed, calmer and centered.
Other ways to cleanse after psychic attack. Sea salt bath. Bathe yourself in white light. Ask in prayer to be relieved.
It will wear off over time, as well, but you should begin to protect yourself regularly if you are in a helping profession, as you are more vulnerable than most to this sort of syndrome.
NOTE: Laura can be reached at 954 465 7338 or for private psychic sessions.
I am a psychic vampire, and I can tell you that I never would have been aware of this, if a friend of mine hadn’t brought it to my attention. I never intentionally hurt others. Please don’t try to make Psychic Vampires out to be evil or intentionally bad. We simply just need energy we cannot create ourselves. I have a system where I take a little energy from my friends, but I don’t intentionally weaken them or steal from them. Help make people like us more aware, so we don’t accidentally hurt others.
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hearing voices in your head secrets
I have been attacked by these individuals as recently as five months ago. When this happens I experience extreme physical aggressiveness, anger and frustration. Since I no longer feel these emotions on a regular basis, I become aware of the energy tube and spiritually yank it out of my system. With the last such occurrence, the tube reached right through the phone! I have stopped all communication completely.