Raise Your Vibration Meditation

The following article is recommended by me.

Raise your vibration “so your life gets easier….. there is more flow…. less effort in co-creating your abundant reality.” https://nancybragin.com/the-enlighten-game/

Excerpt from this most excellent article.

Raise Your Vibration Meditation

10,000 People Needed to Change the World

You don’t comb the mirror, you comb your own hair and the mirror changes. — David Icke

It’s really a game.

Why? Because life is a game. Play well.

For those of you courageous enough, bold enough, curious enough…join us in this great adventure…. the journey to enlightenment. We ask simply that you suspend all judgment, and similar natterings of the lower mind, until you have had the Moment…the one breath of “ah ha” to fully comprehend what this “game” is able to do for you.

The game itself is simple…. but the effects are profound…. in ways you might not fully understand for quite some time…but it matters not…the results will be the same even if your physical brain is not able to grasp it in its entirety. Play on…. anyway. The brain may even be lulled into a bit of a trance or a sleepy state…that is intended, for the work to be perceived by the subconscious is beyond the conscious workings of the Mind. This is a way to re-train your brain….t o think higher thoughts.

The Raise Your Vibration Meditation is a quick and easy way to raise your level of consciousness (LOC). A few minutes every day will calm your mind/body, give you more clarity, improve your decision-making abilities and create more harmony in your relationships. As your LOC increases, your life gets easier….. there is more flow…. less effort in co-creating your abundant reality. The bonus is that you will also have an impact on the collective global consciousness…. you will help to uplift humanity. A person at the 500 level will uplift 750,000 people. Someone at the 600 level affects 10 million!


Go here to read rest of article. https://nancybragin.com/the-enlighten-game/

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