Who Are The Real Victims of Suicide?

Who Are The Real Victims of Suicide? A Mediumship Story.

Who is the victim of the suicide, the deceased loved one or those that remain behind on earth?

Just got off the phone with the “victims” of suicide: the soul that committed suicide and the sitter left behind.

The soul in spirit was not unhappy she had committed suicide, however, she was sorry for hurting her loved one left behind.

Usually when I do mediumship of a suicide the soul is not suffering in spirit. They take responsibility for what they did, why they did it and promise to do better next time.

Sometimes they are happy they are in spirit, stating that earth was too harsh an energy for them.

Sometimes they are doing fine in spirit but realize they could have done better when on earth.

Very rarely have I connected to a soul who committed suicide who is not healed or healing in a loving place of high energy, but sometimes I have.

Today this soul in spirit was extremely clear. She wanted to explain to her lover left on earth, it was not his fault that she committed suicide.

It was all due to herself, how she handled things and what she wanted or did not want out of life.

The man who hired me, the sitter, thought it was his fault. He felt he should have done more to help her, stop her, make her happier or something!

But she said her unhappiness was of her own doing. It was the way she was. There was nothing he could have done to change this.

She said, “We are each responsible for our self. I did this to myself, not thinking of how it would affect you. Now I see how it did.”

She continued, “I am sorry for hurting you, but not for doing what I did to myself. I did not want to be on earth any longer.”

She concluded, “This was not your fault.”

On the phone with me the sitter sobbed. He was over come with grief.

She showed me that he held in his hand a belonging of hers. He started to sob louder.

He tried to confirm he he was holding a piece of her jewelry.

Outside a horrendous storm was in progress. I asked the sitter to talk a little louder because I could not hear him over the loud thunder.

Lightning made me a bit frightened.

The soul in spirit said she had been cremated, then showed me she had a son on earth. She said to the sitter through me to ask for some of her ashes so he could get a Cremains Remembrance Jewelry.

He choked through his tears that he was already in the process of doing that.

All in all a touching session with a lesson. When suicide is committed there are many more than one victim.

There are the loved ones left behind on earth who seem to suffer more than the soul that committed suicide.


Spirit Medium Laura

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