Remote Viewing Exercises. Learn how psychics do remote viewing, a way to view a location using your third eye rather than your physical eye.
This post is taken from my Facebook Group, “Mediumship Development Reading Exchange.” It explains what remote viewing is in more depth, different experiences with it from mediums, how to do it from a rough perspective and finally ways to get training on it.
Spirit Medium Laura
“REMOTE VIEWING. Ever do this?
Try during reading exchange. “View” sitter’s house.“
Read all the Comments and learn more about Remote Viewing HERE.
Here are some comments I felt had particular value.
What It is Like to Do Remote Viewing – Remote Viewing Exercises
Sarah Scott Luesse
i did a psychic reading a few weeks ago and her bearded dragon tapped in, I could see his human as he sees her, how the room was set up, things on her altar, and smells in the room. It was odd and tons of fun we both got a laugh out of it.

Remote Viewing Resource – Remote Viewing Exercises
Sonia Thomson
Yes, Dr Steven Greer does a fantastic walk through lecture in 5 parts for people who want to get started. It’s on youtube x
Remote Viewing Experiences – Remote Viewing Exercises
Nicole Appleton
A couple of times. Once in a group circle, my partner confirmed the layout & details I saw of her house.
I have nightly vivid dreams , which I now write in my dream journal.
One dream was again, in great detail. Except this time my soul was viewing this building from the sky then eventually the ceiling. I *knew what was going on.
It was commercial building (1 level but huge) surround by dirt hills. Inside was a hostage situation. French-Islamic group had civilians ( I wont go into detail as it was disturbing). I saw some civilians break free & running until they got to the other side of that hill.

Then I woke up.I have never had a dream about anything like that before or since. I wasn’t in the situation, just an observer. I immediately knew I had a remote viewing experience. I didn’t know one could have that in the dream state.
I’m in KY so no I didn’t confirm what I saw. It did seem like I happened upon this during ‘real’ time though.
I have astral traveled many times but this felt different. In r.v. (remote viewing) does one not see things during real time? Is that the difference between r.v & astral?
I am Clairvoyant so all my dreams look the same as far as very real, detailed imagery…like I’m really there. I.e I can see a finger smudge on a window for instance, very small details.
The dream state is so vast/mysterious & I’m naturally a curious person. I wonder if I could go into my Akashic Records to see if it was r.v, as I do this often as well.
Spirit Medium Laura, Response
I have telepathic, remote viewing dreams at times too.
Once I dreamed that a plane had an emergency landing at John F. Kennedy airport. When I work up that had exactly happened.
I would think while in dream state, this is more a lucid dream (astral out of body), allowing you to see something that is happening in a different physical location.
I have had a few of these too. All related. All very helpful to stretch and development your psychic eye and your mediumship abilities.Thanks for sharing.

Remote Viewing Experiences – Remote Viewing Exercises
Emily Cheeger
Remote viewing is a very specific technique, and rather complex. The term sometimes gets used somewhat interchangeably with “clairvoyance” which is technically incorrect (and a bit of a pet peeve of mine, honestly.)
I’ve studied the technique a little bit, and sometimes use a simplified version of it (with coordinates representing the target) when I’m in a rush. I find it works well for finding missing objects/animals, or if I’m asked to read for someone online very quickly and generally, with no context for a question.
But for a standard psychic reading, I prefer to simply meditate and receive impressions more organically.

Remote Viewing Experiences – Remote Viewing Exercises
Spirit Medium Laura
I believe Remote Viewing is a reflection of the connection of all things. Once you have 3 pieces of information (coordinates) about what it is you are trying to find go into your psychic state and receive.
Some Remote Viewing instructors make it more technical, with its own language, ( making this a more left brain analytical process, thus less accessible.
Here are some extractions from David Morehouse’s course description page.
- “encrypted coordinates, produce an ideogram (the first graphic representation of the target site), and decode the ideogram.”
- “Students learn to perceive textures, sounds, colors, tastes, smells, temperatures, ‘energetics’ and ‘dimensionals’ from across a chasm of time and space. “
- “With new and developing ‘non-physical eyes’ the student ‘perceives’ the target and sketches visual ‘snapshots’ of distant and fleeting images. “
- “In later stages, sketches become detailed perspective drawings called ‘renderings,’ and students often feel they have actually ‘bi-located’ to the target site.”
Here is how a psychic works. Once I lost my house keys while on a walk. I sat down. Went into meditation. Asked my guides to “show” me where they were.

I saw their location and found them right away. Did I do what Morehouse says? Yes, but in a more direct intuitive way. Not complicated.
If you want to read the entire post and other post which reveal the psychic experience go HERE.
Spirit Medium Laura