RESISTANT STARCH WEIGHT LOSS: Find out how starch, particularly resistant starch, without frying, adding fats or oils, will actually help you lose weight!
RESISTANT STARCH WEIGHT LOSS: Eat Potatoes, Lose Pounds? Well, er, YES!
INTRODUCTION: After following an intuitive hunch I had, I found lots of evidence about how starch, particularly resistant starch, without frying, adding fats or oils, will actually help you lose weight!
In another demonstration of the miracle of synchronicity, I had this “intuitive hunch” shortly after being hired by a client to help with her weight loss as a medical intuitive and Health Coach. (Book your private appointment with me HERE. )
STORY. Lately the scale started creeping up on me. I had moved away from a Plant Based diet to a Paleo, low carb, high protein diet. Today I was fascinated.
Even though I thought I was eating so perfectly, no sugar, very little starches, lots of green leafy vegetables and lean protein, the scale kept creeping up on me. As well, my under eye area showed more wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness then my life style should have created.
Last year after going Plant Based, with a lot of complex carbs, I had effortlessly trimmed down to a weight I had not visited since I was 15 years old.
As well, an unexpected side effect was no under eye puffiness!
This was by eating what many would consider comfort foods like potatoes and pasta (the complex and resistant sort, of course)!

I was not eating this way because I wanted to lose weight. I was eating this way because I was trying to improve my health. Plant Based diets were touted as the only way to do this.
Some days I would down many potatoes, many servings of whole wheat pasta and beans. The weight just keep peeling off.
As my body and face deflated, it felt like the carbs were mopping up all the extra water I was holding in my body. Could it be the excess water was there like sludge in a sewer, my body’s failed attempt to remove toxins from my frame?
Could complex carbohydrates absorb, then carry, the toxins right out of the body?
Finally today I decided to look some of this up. I googled, “Eat Starch Lose Weight.” I found that resistance starch is much like insoluble fiber, cleaning your inner world, so your outer world looks and feels better.
That sounds like a mop to me.
I found a myriad of additional resources to substantiate these ideas which I have listed below.
If you are trying to lose weight and have tried everything, maybe you need to eat resistant starch to lose weight, or simply eat starch. I am expecting my body to return to its former svelte detoxed state as I go back to eating mine.
Resource 1:, “How to Curb Hunger and Boost Weight Loss with Resistant Starch,” article here.
Resource 2: “The Starch Solution,” by Dr. Macdougal. Get here.[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” identifier=”1623360277″ locale=”US” tag=”spiri033-20″]
Resource 3: Huffington Post, “Eat Starch, Lose Weight,” article here.
Resource 4: Elephant Journal, “How Eating Carbs Finally Helped Me Lose Weight,” article here.