REVERSE AGING My experience taking NMN and Herbal Metformin to reverse aging. This is based on recent research from Harvard about NAD+.

MY REVERSE AGING DIARY.  I will be posting from time to time on my website about results with the NMN and the Herbal Metformin to reverse aging in me.  I am 64 years old at the time of this writing.

DISCLAIMER:  This is for informational purposes only and is not meant as a recommendation for your health.

My biggest complaint health wise is how I look and feel (wrinkles, gray hair, crepey skin on neck, arms and thighs, loss of muscle mass, low energy, memory loss, frequent respiratory infections).

My most recent blood tests (2017) from a doctor reflected extremely benign cholesteral levels, usually seen in a person half my age.  As well, my blood pressure runs lower than my age.  So heightening blood pressure is not an issue for me.

As my original article on this site says, Dr. David Sinclair, the lead on this research, lowered his biological age to 31 from 57 over one year’s time (Age Tracker).

Dr. David Sinclair’s work has proven in mice a 30% increase in longevity.  His work has been chosen by NASA to protect astronauts from the effects of radiation during space travel, article here.

Time Magazine’s cover story featured his research in the March 2017 issue, article here.  He was named by Time Magazine’s top 100 most influential people in the world list, article here.

This work suggests the approach of telomere lengthening is a by-product of controlling the SIRT1 gene through NAD+ supplementation.

My entries son this subject can be found by searching my website for Reverse Aging or Anti Aging.

I decided to begin taking the NMN and the Metformin herbal supplements (shown below).  I started yesterday.


DAY 4.  12/19/17.  Came up with a game plan after doing more research today.  I was confused about whether I could take Niacinamide in place of NMN, but later discovered this should not be done.

Current Plan.

Take 250 mg of NMN and 1000 mg of Berberine in morning.

Evening take Niacin and Niacinamide or just Niacin.  It has so many benefits that I decided to take it at night.  The Niacinamide can help you sleep like a rock, for example and does raise some NAD levels in body.  It can reduce wrinkles and improve skin considerably.

The Niacin can help with balding and hair thinning, plus so many things.

I now need to get a dosage plan for this.

Day 3.  12/17/17.  Feeling rather tired still.  I looked up research on Niacinamide.  Apparently it helps you sleep, so I will be taking at bedtime.

Doses for anti aging are recommended in the range of 2 – 3 grams a day according to this article.  I do not know if I can take this much.  We will see.

The headache has mostly subsided.  Ahhhh!  I lowered my dosage of Berberine from 1gram to 500 mg.  I will keep at this level for one week, then increase.

Chris at (they sell the NMN) that I might feel a little depleted in late afternoon due to body clearing out old stuff.

Translation.  I think he was warning me that I might feel worse before I feel better?  Not sure, but I did feel horrible yesterday and today much better.

Sleep.  I have slept like a baby for two nights in a row.  I used to wake up a bit in middle of night and lie there all charged up.

But now I am sleeping straight through for 7 to 8 hours, then all of a sudden my eyes open and I am awake.

Some of the testimonials I have read online about Niacinamide and NMN supplementation state they are sleeping better.  I am experiencing this.

It is best to scale into any aggressive supplementation regime.

As of today I am taking

NMN, 100 mg

Niacinamide, 500mg

Berberine 500mg

Day 2.  Ugh!  I feel lousy today.  I have a headache and am very fatigued.  I could hardly get through my 50 minute walk earlier today.

Mind you last night I danced ballroom, Latin, etc. for two hours like a wild child without fatigue.

A man I met asked me how old I was.  I wouldn’t say.  I did not get winded even after some very athletic sets of dancing.

Today am very tired.  I told my sister as I went to a walk, “I feel like someone has placed 50 pounds of weight on my head which is pushing me down as I am carrying it.”  Not sure if this is a side effect of my supplementation or just a bad day, but I will continue the protocol just lighten it a bit.

I decided to put the Berberine dosage in half from 1gram to 500 mg for this week, then up it again.

SADLY.  Today I read that NMN and Metformin will not affect hair thinning, graying, wrinkles, or other cosmetic aspects of aging.  These are of interest to me and I thought I would get with NMN.

This is confusing to me as the experiments of Dr. Sinclair show two mice of same age, one gray furred (not on NMN) in comparison to one dark furred (on NMN).  There were other visual aspects of a more youthful appearance as well highlighted.

According to what I read, the only known way to get cosmetic antiaging as of today is with Stem Cell therapy.  This is still pretty expensive and still not widely available.

Luckily for me I have good skin and do not look too beaten up.  :)

Another aspect I might want to start again is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.  I stopped using it and my skin did get older, especially on my thighs, arms and neck.

I use now Pueraria Mirifica and Vitex.  I think these are antiagin for me, but hey, you never know.  Maybe I do need to go back to the actual Bioidentical HRT.

I think I will consider starting this again when I am on Medicare in about 6 months (yes, I am that old).

Day 1.  Had some gastrointestinal issues.  Maybe that is a side effect of the Metformin herbal supplement, Berberine.  Here is an article that describes the side effects of it.

Sleep.  I awoke about 3:30am, wide awake, but told myself I had to go back to bed.  So after I did I went into such a deep, restful sleep for another 3 hours.  It was wonderful.

I have heard that NMN or an NAD+ precursor does create a more restful, deep sleep.  Perhaps I am already experiencing this.

What I took:  I took two 50 mg tables of NMN and one capsule of the Metformin supplement about 12pm, pictured below.

Support.  I found out that if I call the company that sells the NMN Genex Formulas ( they offer a bit of support.  I called yesterday to find out the recommended dosage and spoke to a man called Chris.  He was very helpful.

He said Harvard is now doing studies with humans and giving them 250mg a day of NMN.  He is personally taking 125mg.  Some of those who are taking his company’s product are taking about 100mg (two of their 50 mg capsules a day).

He mentioned something about chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).  I don’t remember, but I think he said many that have CFS are taking higher dosages of the product.

Cost is a factor as this can become expensive.

He recommended I start with 100mg a day and see how that goes.  That is what i am doing.  He also said to take in the morning as NMN increases energy.

He mentioned the first few days you might feel sluggish in the afternoon after taking in the morning as your body clears out the old to make room for the new.  Then you will feel more energetic generally.

He said to call with any questions you have.  The company is Genex ( and their phone number is 407-925-0321.


I bought my bottles on Amazon here.


Herbal Metformin supplement.  Here is an article that describes the side effects of Berberine, the primary ingredient in this supplement.:

UPDATE, 12/9/19:  I stopped the Berberine as it made me break out.  As well, I stopped the NMN, which is extremely expensive, replacing it with Niacinamide which helps the body produce NAD and it extremely cost effective.

I am feeling and looking great!  Youthful skin.  High energy.  Wrinkles still on thighs and arms, but greatly reduced.


REVERSE AGING COACHING and/or MEDICAL INTUITIVE MEDIUMSHIP.  Spirit Medium Laura is a certified health coach (Dr. Bill Sears Certification) and a gifted medical intuitive medium.  You can book an appointment with her HERE.

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