How to Find the Right Career for Me. Discover your right career by following the practical steps outlined here.
Identity Issues? How to Find the Right Career for Me

Ah, so many careers, so little time! Are you struggling with identity issues, especially around the area of career choice?
You are not alone. When I was younger I did what everyone else told me to do. I went for the “practical” choice.
I went out to find a job that paid well and had a promised future of higher earnings. Sound familiar?
I believed that enjoying my work was secondary to surviving financially. I hoped if I was lucky enough to make a lot of money, I could thrive.
Little did I realize working at something that did not fit me, nor did I enjoy, already put me in the poverty palace. :)
But I did make a lot of money.
I had been using manifestation techniques, of which my mother had begun teaching me since I was 12 years old.
When you do manifestation you increase your intuition, synchronicity and guidance from spirit. It is like you opened your third eye.
One evening on the subway on my way home from work, the train stalled. Instead of sitting there, I was inspired to get off the train and go to “The Coliseum Book Store” I knew was in the area.
I was led to my favorite part of the book store, the metaphysical section. There before me I found the book, “Creating Money, Keys to Abundance,” by Sanaya Roman and Dwayne Packer. Great book.
I grabbed the book, vociferously starting to read it on the train back home. I could not wait to put what I learned into practice, however, I only followed the first part of the book.
You Cannot Avoid Your Life Purpose. How to Find the Right Career for Me?
Part 2 of the book distinctly explains there is a better, more sustainable and easier way to approach making money.
This part of the book explains how to make money following your purpose.
What a shame I skipped that, because the same lesson was going to be taught to me the hard way years later.
I was not operating at a soul level. I was operating at an ego level. I wanted money for power and status, but I did not see the value in having the right career, my Dharma, the one my soul planned for me to do before this life time.
Sure enough following the steps in the book, I landed a great professional job with Microsoft Corporation. Four months into the job I found out other people in my job category were cashing out with bountiful amounts of stock options, leaving them millionaires.

I was elated, thinking all my manifestation had worked. However, if you manifest only an ego level, you will get results for a period of time.
Then your results evaporate if your soul purpose was not aligned with your efforts. Your soul is in control, not your ego.
So How Do You Find Your Right Career?
Step 1. LET GO Karma (Resistance Pattern).
Twelve Step programs say, “Let Go, Let God,” surrendering your problems to a higher power is healing. I have found meditation a great way to do this. Meditation allows you to step out of your addictive resistance pattern and enter the now.
In my case I had to surrender to the fact I had lost everything before I could find everything! Finding everything was to discover what I loved to do, then to start to nurture it.
Before I surrendered I was in denial I had lost anything. I kept trying to make things work, yet they were not working.

Step 2. OPEN Dharma (Purpose).
Study your biggest problem in life. The opposite of this is your purpose.
Usually this problem or obstacle is something you have almost an addictive obsession with like overcoming poverty when you born into poverty, being beautiful when you were born with aesthetic challenges, having people love you when you were rejected by your mother or father, finding love and family when you had no family, etc.
In my case I was obsessed with becoming affluent and successful in a high status way so I would be loved by others. My purpose using this formula would be to love myself just the way I was, even if I had a low status purpose. Being a psychic was a low status job in the world from which I came.
This is not something that may be obvious to you. You might need to go to a traditional therapist, counselor or a good spiritual psychic, astrologer or intuitive to help you discover.
Journaling on a regular basis is an excellent self help tool for this. Asking yourself on a daily basis what you really want, how you feel about things, etc.

Step 3. VIBRATE Joy.
One technique I particularly see as extraordinarily powerful is to JOY Journal. This means writing down your life fantasies on a regular basis as if they were real.
Don’t just write what you want in your life, but write them like a story you are experiencing right now.
A funny thing happens when you JOY Journal in the way described here. Your powerful subconscious starts creating this joy in your world using the process called entrainment.
Whatever you want to call it, your life starts to shift.
Try JOY Journaling before or after you meditate on a daily basis. Watch your life shift. Emerge the butterfly.
There are other ways to shift your vibration so it can match what your desire, what is joyful to you, but today I will only mention joy journaling.
Vibrate at the frequency of what you love, what is joyful to you. Study what you are fascinated with, love to do, something you love so much you would do it anyway with or without money.
This thing you are attracted to do is is your life purpose, career and your future good fortune. Start to do this thing or things. Nurture it.
Step 4. ENGAGE Intuition.
Step on the Energy Train of intuitive flow. When I decided to do work I enjoyed, to follow what fascinated me, what I would do whether or not I was paid to do it, a funny thing happened. Everything fell into place.
This career seemed so divinely intended for me, that my income went from zero to the point I could modestly support myself within four weeks of starting it.

When you accept your biggest life problem instead of resisting it, you evolve beyond Karma into your Dharma, or life purpose.
When you stop resisting what you are meant to be, who you really are, the thing your soul planned for you to be, you will begin to open to your purpose in life.
You will begin to realize “AHA! this is what I am meant to do.”
Example. So if your life setup was to be born to a mother that smothered you with her personality, opinions and directives, you might be suffering from a lack of personal identity.
You might not know what your opinion, identity and purpose is because you were never allowed to express them. You were overshadowed.
Your purpose would then be to nurture creativity in yourself and others.
There are many ways to do this. One way might be to become a Montissori School teacher, where the teaching method encourages students to learn from what they love, not a standard agenda.
You see how this works?

In conclusion, the way to access your life purpose is to Let Go in meditation. Open using journaling, Vibrate what you consider joyful and finally to Engage your intuition. This process can be represented with the acronym L-O-V-E to remember it.
A fuller exploration of how to access your intuition so you activate your abundant flow to manifest automatically is in the FREE Ecourse available if you join our mailing list on any page of
Sending you love and blessings,
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