Scripting Manifestation Tips

Scripting Manifestation Tips. TROUBLE MANIFESTING? Use a Magical Mantra Script During Your Manifestation Process.

Dandelions, Dandelion, Meadow, Sun, Sunbeams, Spring
You are the prosperity secret.


Imposters become impoverished. Authenticity begets abundance. The Prosperity Secret is YOU!

Learn the key concept to getting in divine flow is soul alignment, a new hypnotic way to do manifesting in meditation and how to create and use a mantra script during meditation.

The more you curate YOU the more prosperity flows to you. Each day you must ask yourself is this or that in alignment with me.

Do what you LOVE. Ask yourself, “Will this activity bring me something I love or dislike?”

Be aware of FEAR. Ask yourself, “Am I doing this because I am afraid of being alone, unpopular, poor, ugly, etc.”

When you choose to do something because it is in resonance with your true self, what you really like, you will find your life flows to a higher vibration.

This vibration is the frequency of love.

In this divine frequency you are attracting a like vibration, which is also love.

Not to sound flippant, but you become lucky, your life flows better. Manifesting is automatic. Synchronicity is the norm.

Fantasy, Sphere, Light, Creation, Perception, Emergence
The vibration of LOVE is PSYCHIC!

Divine Destiny unfolds the life your soul planned for you prior to birth!

This means you attract the right people, places and things into your life for the most fulfillment, for full actualization.

You do not have to suffer when on earth. You can CHOOSE to rise above the Karmic cycle of cause and effect which exists in the Astral world.

At a higher frequency the vibration is oneness consciousness, not cause and effect. There is no conflict of duality, you did this or that to me, so now I react to it and do this or that to you.

Instead you remain above reactive behavior in a state of love, joy, bliss, oneness, whatever you want to call it.

Although this may sound a bit “pie in the sky,” manifestation truly is this. It is the state of flow where creative thought achieves material outcome instantly.

Do you want to rise to this higher frequency?

Meditation daily is key.

Fantasy, Portrait, Root, Moss, Forest, Symmetrical
Consciousness is CREATIVE

My Manifestation Meditation

I feel meditation is best if it is mindful meditation, but I am now experimenting with another form of meditation which is self hypnosis using a Hypno-Wheel.

So far this is a pleasant experience but I do not have complete results yet.

Here is the meditation I am now doing.

Below these two steps, I included a new practice at #3 using a meditation I found on with a hypno-wheel in it. This could be quite powerful.

Step 1. Play a meditation audio you like. Then come back to this page to stare at the hypno-wheel at step 2.

Step 2. I stare at this hypo-wheel online for 15 minutes, while repeating a Affirmation of my desired outcome as a mantra. This really placed me a a deep, deep trance.

Shortcut – Meditation and Hypno Wheel Combined

Step 3. Just found this great video which really gets hypnotic meditation right. You can use this in lieu of two steps above to do your scripting manifesting mantra.

Scripting Manifestation Tips

While I am staring at the hypno-wheel I say my desired manifestation as a mantra affirmation. This is how I script my desired outcome.

I try to create one that rhymes or is catchy in some way, as the subconscious loves such phrases.

Remember to only set goals for yourself that you KNOW can happen. Give them this litmus test.

If when you set a goal for yourself you feel need, want or simply hope it can happen, you are in the pre-manifestation consciousness.

Only being in the consciousness of KNOWING this can happen can universal mind create it for you.

The best way to know something can happen is to make it specific, related to something you achieved before already and lastly a step on the way to your master goal or desire.

Make your manifestation goal a stepping stone on the way to your big desire.

Path, Avenue, Forest, Passage, Cornwall, England, Trees
I KNOW I can follow the road.


Your large goal is to retire in 15 years. You want this to be easy, fun and fulfilling.

You know one of the short term steps to get there is to increase your income. It has been hard for you to do this so far because all roads have been closed to you.

Then you think about someone you know who has a part time business which is really fun.

She throws parties selling a new nail treatment that eliminates the need to spend money on manicures. This is a social business that is fun to do!

You decide having a part time business that is fun is the perfect stepping stone to financial independence for you at this time in your life.

You do know that it is possible for someone else who is a peer to you to do this. This gives you a sense of “knowing” it is possible for you.

You decide your scripting manifestation mantra might be something like: “Part Time Play Makes Me Money Today! ” This is a short and catchy phrase.

Then when in the meditation say this mantra to project it to the universe.

Yoga, Body Art, Buddha, Body, Meditation, Mandala
Your mantra is energy.

Scripting Manifesting Tips Require Mindful Meditation to Work

Manifesting scripts work best if you spend only part of your meditation saying your script. Start with your mantra, visualizing it while staring at the hypnotic wheel. Then begin to focus completely on a part of your body in a mindful state for most of the time you spend in meditation.

You could focus on your breathing, your thumb, how the air feels touching your skin, etc. The point is to be in a being state rather than a thinking state.

The head is useful to set intention. You access this by saying your mantra manifesting script for a few minutes at the beginning of your meditation.

The heart is in the now. You access this by focusing on your physical being for most of the time you are in meditation.

Scripting Manifesting Tips require you shift from the head to the heart so your intention is set then released to the universe for activation and creation.


Mantras are like a headline for the goal. They summarize what the goal is and be called upon while in deep trance to activate.

They are very powerful when done in a meditation as they allow you to relax into the consciousness of them.

Sending you love and light on your manifestation journey.

Spirit Medium Laura

Book your private appointment with spirit through Laura at


Resources for Scripting Manifestation Tips

Take an online class. Here are some I hand picked for you.

  1. Manifestation from the Soul.
  1. Soul Psychic Healer Soul Abundance Course. This is a four video awakening experience by Spirit Medium Laura to release your blocks and manifest your dreams. Course #1 HERE.
  1. John Monroe Institute Altered States. Join Robert Monroe (Monroe Institute) as you learn to deeply relax and explore expanded states of awareness. Discover how you are much more than your physical body, and live more meaningfully with the first two Waves of Gateway Experience. This will really allow your mind to grow and expand to excellence in the form of mediumship or any paranormal state. Go HERE.

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