The Secret to Happiness. There are 7 steps that you can take to provide you happiness in life no matter what your circumstances.
The Secret to Happiness. Believe it or not, happiness is NOT dependent on what you have or don’t have in life.
Happiness, a universal conundrum, depends more on your attitude than your circumstance.
Believing this, then acting on it, truly can be your secret to life success. Read on to learn more.
This morning as I slowly meandered about my home, the idea to choose happiness as a goal to set came to me again.
My mother in her old age used to say to me with an unexplained twinkle in her eye, “Choose happiness.”
I used to look at her like she was crazy, but was amused nevertheless.
“How can you choose to be happy if everything around you is not what you want, desire or worked to achieve?” I used to ponder.
I thought, “Isn’t it obvious? You either have what you want or you do not have what you want?”
I even had the erroneous and devastatingly dangerous belief that it is GOOD to be UNHAPPY because this feeling will motivate you to change your situation so that you can finally have what you want and then – you guessed it – BE HAPPY!
But to my amazement as I got older and got what I thought would finally make me happy, I had the rude realization.
Uh, err, that did not make me happy! Let’s go for a new goal.
I would reach that goal and it did not make me happy either. As a matter of fact, the more goals I reached without experiencing that illusive butterfly of happiness the less happy I became.
So what is a person to do? How does one finally achieve happiness?
Life is what it is. You can respond to your life with happiness or disdain, depending on your choice.
Happiness is not something that you get from outside yourself. You create it yourself!
Before I divulge what to do to be happy no matter what, I need to tell you WHY you would even want to do this.
Besides the obvious, it feels good to be happy, (lol!), there is a spiritual law that sits upon this.
This law is The Spiritual Law of Vibration. This law states that you attract what you are.
If you are “zig zagging” all over the place in a sloppy cacophony of fear, anger, sadness, disdain, disappointment, judgment, jealousy, negativity, loss, grief and so on, GUESS WHAT YOUR VIBRATION WILL BE ATTRACTING?
YEP. More of that. (And who wants more of that?)
So now let’s reveal how to be happy no matter what.
The 7 Secrets to Happiness.
Choose to believe:
- Circumstances are temporary, not permanent.
- Consciousness is YOUR precious possession.
- Defeat is an attitude, not a situation.
- Rewards are something you give yourself, not something life gives you.
- Blocks are blessings. They define your road to happiness.
- You deserve to be happy. (This one is my favorite, for how often do we express low self esteem with an unhappy attitude towards self and life?)
- Happiness does not come from money, love, health. MONEY, LOVE and HEALTH COME FROM HAPPINESS!

Here is some channeling from The Ones on The Secret to Happiness.
Dear Spirit Guides, how does one become HAPPY no matter what their circumstances in life?
The Secret to Happiness is a broad one indeed. You choose it and therefore you have it.
We in the spirit realm do not need to choose happiness. We have it already.
There are some on earth that know and live this secret. They choose happiness above all else.
The more they choose it the more they have it.
We would like to point out that a state of mind in your realm does not exist without first choosing that state of mind.
So, the door keeper to your state of mind, your attitude, is YOU!
So when you ask for the Secret to Happiness, ask yourself, “What can I do to make myself happy right now, today, in this exact moment?”
You may find that you have more control over this situation than you thought.
You can choose to eat, play, stay home, go out, take a walk, a bath, a shower, buy yourself or another flowers, give a gift to charity, help another, etc.
You are always choosing.
It is our decision to tell you now that you are choosing your fate. You are choosing your life.
No one else is. Happiness is not doted on you.
You choose it yourself.
The more you realize you are the one who does or does not make yourself happy the more you will experience HAPPINESS, BLISS itself.
We in the spirit realm want to see you experience evolution. The pinnacle of spiritual evolution is happiness.
It is not something given to you.
It is something you give yourself.
When you learn how to amuse yourself living on a rock in the desert without anything but attitude, you will have arrived at nirvana.
This my spiritual friends is what happiness is all about.
The ones through Spirit Medium Laura
Well, as usual, The Ones surprised me. The part I found personally awakening in this channeled piece is the part about “choice.”
We hear so often earth is the realm of free will. The Ones have woven this idea of “free will,” into the ideas surrounding happiness.
Well, here’s to your FREE WILL to CHOOSE HAPPINESS today!
Love & Light,
Spirit Medium Laura
Further reading.
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