SELF SABOTAGE – A Worthiness Deficiency – Channeling. Learn how to heal from self sabotage with channeled healing steps you can take to open your sense of worth.
This article is part of the Worthiness Series listed here.
- WORTHINESS: The Road to Worthiness
- SELF SABOTAGE – A Worthiness Deficiency
- How to Feel Worthy
- Feeling Good Enough for Happiness, Love, Money
Please spirit tell us how we can eliminate and overcome self sabotage?
Self sabotage is a process you have determined you are in right now.
However it is not self sabotage. It is more wanting something but not knowing how to get it.
We suggest you listen to your heart more about what to do, your intuition, so you will and can attain the goals you desire.
Your heart will tell you what to do.
In order to listen to your heart, watch how you feel.
Do you feel happy or sad?
Do you feel complete or incomplete?
Are you suffering or not?
If you feel stress then do something so you do not feel that stress anymore. When done your head will clear and then you can listen to your heart about what to do next.
But while you are in the middle of a crisis of poor decision you need to alleviate the sadness surrounding this with closure.
When out of the crisis then listen to your heart about what to do next.
You will find that over time you will start making better and better decisions until you finally reach your goal.
You are not sabotaging your dreams and goals. You are simply floundering towards them.

Thank you The Ones. Is there anything else you would like to add about Self Sabotage that could be helpful?
There are many causes of self sabotage besides being in a state of stress [crisis.
One may subconsciously want to fail because one does not believe in oneself. This person might have a lack of self esteem or self worth.
We as The Ones in the world of spirit know how to treat this.
The answer is always the same.
The answer is LOVE.
However when one is confronted with this experience of self sabotage one feels one cannot tolerate the self any longer.
One must leave the self behind to be the forbidden or lack of self worth one.
We in spirit suggest the person that is confronted with self sabotage go deeper to the core issues of self worth.
How does this person feel about their worth, about themselves?
Does this person feel good or bad?
Does this person feel he or she cannot be happy because they are not worth happiness, do not deserve it?
There are many on earth plane that feel this way. It is a universal conflict for most.
Why? Why is this so?
Why is it that some feel worth and others do not?
The answer is that some know they are divine innately. They feel it. They sense it. They know it.
There are others that feel awkward in their bodies. They have not fully recovered from the sense of being alone which is the sense of being born away from the divine force.
When someone is in spirit one feels connected.
When a soul is on earth they feel isolated, even when in the company of others.
When one can feel the presence of the Divine one feels worthy.
It is more than a meditation or a knowing of purpose.
It is the sense the integral awareness of being part of the divine force that pulses through all living things.
When one can feel this, one knows they are worthy.
And from this sense of worthiness they begin to create their dreams as they have desired.
So now you know that having worth is more than feeling confident about oneself.
It is about feeling the exact energy of God within you.
The loving light that pulses through all things has awareness at its core. The awareness is of the moment, of the now.
When you sit and breath in silently, awakening to the pulses of light about you, you begin to sense the divine.
The divine is in the being, not in the having.
The divine simply is being.
When you are depressed, feel isolated, feel lonely, feel unworthy, feel self sabotaging, open up the energy portals and allow yourself to blend with everything thing.
This allows you to feel your connection to the All that Is, the Divine Presence.
This is called Mindful Meditation.
It is the panacea for all ills.
The Ones.