SETTING BOUNDARIES: Boundaries Are Miracles

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SETTING BOUNDARIES:  Boundaries Are Miracles

One of the most miraculous things you can do in any relationship is set boundaries.

A boundary, or limit, combined with a goal of something you want to reach, is very powerful.  This little handy habit I would put it up there with the discovery of fire, the wheel or smart phones as a cosmic leap for mankind.

Let’s first talk a bit about a boundary.  Right now at this time of year we are going into the holidays, where weight control can be a big deal.

Weight is not only a cosmetic concern, but as well, if you allow yourself to take a fast sleigh ride into festive food frenzy, you might be affecting other conditions you have such as heart health, blood sugar and depression.

So, how do you go through the holiday season and be hardy, hardly gaining a pound?  The answer is with boundaries.

One of the best ways I forage through the festive food frenzy of the holidays is weighing myself every day, filling my plate 3/4 full with green leafy vegetables and taking a daily enjoyable 30 minutes walk, dancing or doing something physical.

These 3 simple boundaries keep me in the best of shape.  I get to eat some of the foods placed before me at parties and I get to stay healthy and in shape.

Boundaries can be miraculous in relationships.  If you are involved in a relationship where another person keeps asking you to do something that ultimately is not good for you, setting a healthy boundary can resurrect an otherwise dysfunctional situation to pleasing for both parties.

I love to quote something I heard from I think Codependent’s Anonymous, “Take what is good, and leave the rest.”

So for example if you have a friend who keeps asking you for money and never pays it back but you like this person otherwise, you could take what is good and leave the rest.

Tell your friend “no,” when they ask for money.  Then enjoy them in the other ways you enjoy each other.

If you are the kind of person that cannot say “no,” a healthy, long look at self is in order.  Do you not feel deserving of good, healthy, relationships in your life?

Do you not feel you deserve to be respected?

If you cannot set boundaries then you need to do some healing.  This is where spiritual resources come into play.

When I work with clients and spirit (angelic guides) reveal self love as an area needing healing, spirit will guide me to “see” the issues causing this, clear them with your help, to release them forever.

This holiday pay attention to your relationships with self, others and toxic habits.  You just might need a spiritual tuneup to align your self to a higher vibration of love.

Channeling on Boundaries

Dear Spirit Guides, what do you think about setting boundaries for self care and love?

Love is an important topic, not only for self but for others as well.  You cannot love another until you love yourself, therefore, it is extremely important to set boundaries with self so you can develop a sense of respect and love your yourself.

Boundaries can be used to grow in self love, much as a mother cares for her child, so do you grow in caring for yourself.

Ask yourself every day what do you love to do?  What you you need to do?  What do you want to do?

Each of these three questions when answered fully, honestly and completely will begin the process of self love.  The boundaries are constructed from the heart center of what you want, need and love to do for yourself.

When you set boundaries that help you attain heart centered desires and goals you grow as a soul and a being.  This is the honest way to evolve.

Boundaries are the way to evolve if they are set after you decide what the heart or soul desires.

When set this way you will find you will be happier, healthy and of course heart centered.  Being heart centered is the way to attain the love you are worth.

If you set boundaries from fear you will be setting boundaries that limit your growth as a soul.  Only boundaries set from love can help you attain love.

It is always fear (ego) vs. Love (soul) in your dimension.  Choose love, which means an optimistic attitude about all things, and you will find that love will be with you.

Others are not wrong for asking you for things that are harmful to you.  You are wrong for doing that which hurts yourself without respect for yourself.

This self constructed approach to solving boundary issues bring great growth to you and awareness.  Not the other way around.

Do not expect others to think for you.  Think for yourself with great faith others are doing the best they can and you will have better relationship with yourself as well as others.


Spirit Medium Laura channeling The Ones.”

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