The SHIFT to LOVE: Channeled MESSAGE. The path to nirvana, JOY, love is paved by learning how to give. Give to self first. Once you start giving to yourself, giving will overflow to others.
Channeling begins below picture.

We are The Ones coming to earth to work with you on vibration changes and shift. We have come to work with those souls on earth that would like to change, that would like to grow and would like to be at peace with what is and who they are.
We are here on earth working through you and others to get the gain available now to souls who want to change.
This is THE SHIFT of consciousness that others might call growth, evolution or simply change to put it more bluntly.
You see when you attenuate to our vibration you will grow, so all the attunements you send out to others from us through you will be about this growth.
Now growth is not easy especially if you resist it, however, we want to help you grow with others on earth regardless of how difficult it is.
Because growth means change. Growth means JOY. Growth means BLISS.
Even in the harshest of circumstances one can experience growth.
You might say what is this word called GROWTH?
We say this word is everything and nothing at all, for the word GROWTH simplifies the process called change, SHIFT or becoming ONE with the all that is.
The ALL THAT IS has come to earth to help with change, shift and becoming one.
We are here to help those on earth that feel special, different or in competition with others; those that feel not the same.
We are the same as you in that we all share the vibration of LOVE.
This vibration is a much stronger vibration than hate. Simplicity of knowledge is key for without simplicity you will not understand what we mean, you will try to complicate it.
Change is not found in being like every one else. No. Change is found when one resolves the self as senseless and becomes the one which is what we are.
Oneness is becoming who you are meant to be from day one, from the get go, from where you came to begin with.
You came from LOVE, not hate. You came from ONENESS, not separateness.
You came from LOVE.
So put down your warring words, your emasculating armor. Set up your heart for connection.
Ask that oneness be yours. In so doing you will be honored with love.
You will be honored with love of self, love of others, love from others and then love from the universe.
The universe of universes meaning all infinity means only one thing. That is LOVE. Love opens the heart to receive and to give but more than a material plane this means opening the heart to give.
With giving there is movement, change, a shift.
So ask not what another can do for you. Ask what you can do for yourself, then another.
We are very careful in this language for as you recognize if you are not giving to self first there can be no giving to another.
There must be overflow for others to give to each other. There must be more for you before you can give to another.
So be rich first. Then give later.
Each person on earth is responsible for giving to themselves before they can give to each other.
When you GET this, you will begin to understand your true nature as a giver.
All on earth now are GIVERS! Not takers.
So your real JOY will begin when you are GIVING, not taking. You cannot give until you give to yourself first.
Take time each day to check in with your heart, what you really want. Then give this to yourself first.
The more you do this the more you will realize that it was there all along for the giving. You gave to yourself and found that is was easier than you thought.
The more you realize how easy it is to give to yourself, the more you will be able to give to others.
The earth shifts in this way.
Kindness is as kindness does. Be kind to you my dear friend!
The Ones