SIMPLE POWER: A Simple Path to Peace and Happiness

A Simple Path to Peace and Happiness. Learn how to invoke the simple path to peace, happiness, powerful solutions in life.

SIMPLE POWER:  A Simple Path to Peace and Happiness

One of my recent posts, “PEACE is PURPOSE: How to Discover What Is Your Life Purpose,” talks about how the more peaceful you get with yourself, simply being alive, having consciousness, the more you are living your life purpose.

Then I wrote a piece called “REAL STUFF IS BETTER: Clear Acne After Menopause And Have Beautiful, Radiant Skin.”    My adult acne was miraculously “cured” using a simple solution of oil and vinegar on my face.

HEAL CANCER WITH FOOD.  Now I am researching how the body can heal itself of terminal illness such as cancer with the plant based real food of a raw vegan diet.  You might find how Chris Beat Cancer fascinating.  His story is HERE.

It is fascinating to discover complicated is not always better.  Quite often going back to nature, back to the soul of things in all ways can bring the best and most miraculous results.

This is not only true in biochemistry but is as well true in living your life.

RETIRE WITH NO MONEY.  Many people live stressful lives, no time to rest, exercise, eat right, explore love as they strive to save a lot of money so they can finally live the good life and retire.  You can actually retire before saving a huge pile of money explained in “How to Retire With No Money.”

Simple is BETTER!

As is usual spirit has been leading me to discover that going back to the core, to the soul of things, is the best route from healing to happiness.

Are you trying to over complicate things?   Are you struggling to find your life purpose, when simply being peaceful is your purpose.

Are you struggling to find a job, when creating a business around your hobby can actually sustain you financially and emotionally far better?

Are you struggling to find a relationship, love, create a family, when all you need to do is to ask for peace with this struggle to gain it?

I know I was and still do quite often struggle.  However, spirit is teaching me to be simple; to surrender.

After struggling with a love relationship for over ten years, finally, in a lucid moment I prayed for peace with the situation.  I felt immediately peaceful after asking for peace.

Then over two to three weeks a series of weird coincidences ensued, finally giving me complete and loving closure.

It seemed like spirit could work with me, after I surrendered the struggle and asked for peace.

If this reminds you of the 12 step programs from addiction to recovery, it is very similar.

When we are struggling to control life, spirit cannot work with us.

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Here is some channeling on this for today.

Yes, we are trying to teach you, all of you, simplicity in your dealings with life.

Simple is not always better.  Simple is everything.  It is far worse to over complicate things than to be simple.

Simple means not handling things yourself, but rather allowing for a higher power to come in and heal the situation for you.

So when you are ill, unhappy, sick, tired, alone, lonely, afraid, unkempt, disregarded, etc. ask for peace in the situation and ask for healing.

This is simply put, Divine Intervention.

When you ask for peace you are handing the situation over to a higher power for healing.  When you ask for things, remedies, conclusions you are still trying to handle the situation yourself.

So when we say that simple is better we mean that handing it over to a higher power is better than trying to handle it yourself.

Ask for forgiveness with life, with striving, with trying.  Ask that you be led to overcome the delays of heart [not getting what you want] to be rather, one with the knowledge of all.

We as your divine beings lead you to simplicity today so that you would know your heart, and then know your healing.

When you are simple in life, when you do not try to do everything yourself, but rather ask for peace and hand it up to a higher power, you will find the powers that be, us in effect, will aid you.

We cannot help you if you are trying to handle situations yourself.

Simple is superior to doing things yourself.

Simple is surrender.

Simple is relinquishing control from self to surrender to Divine propriety.

When you relinquish control you have said to a higher power, it is us that lead you to Mecca, not you.

When you relinquish control you have said you acknowledge you are part of something greater than yourself.  You have become one with oneness.

Oneness is what we are.

When you are simple you realize there is nothing else but God.  God is oneness and God is the One and we are the Ones of God.

When you are simple you are asking for the oneness to help you.  You are acceding to unification with source God.

When you are simple you are surrendering to God.

The earth dimension is a dimension where you have the illusion you are separate, but in reality you are one with the unified universe.

When you are simple you are acknowledging this unification.

You are realizing you are part of the divine yourself. 

In this unification you become one with the one power, which is God.

We are a part of God, but not God either.

We and you are all aspects of the divine but not alone the divine.

The divine power of God rests within all of us in a unified state, not a separate state.

Complicated is separate.  Unified if simple.


The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura.

To book your private appointment with Laura go to


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