Essential Oils for Sleep DoTerra. I feel like I got my life back after switching to an essential oil blend for sleep like DoTerra rather than taking a pill. I think my IQ even got higher!
SLEEP! Essential Oils for Sleep DoTerra, Young Living or Good Night?
I think my IQ got higher since I have been using essential oils to sleep! I was always groggy, sluggish and my mind was nevI needed to try an essential oil for sleep.
LOVE ALL OF THEM, Good Night Comparable to DoTerra or Young Living. Get DoTerra. Young Living or Good Night essential oil for sleep HERE.

It has been about two weeks since I switched from taking a pill to sleep (melatonin, GABA, chamomile, valerian and hops blend) to using an essential oil for sleep.
LOVE ALL OF THEM, Good Night Comparable to DoTerra or Young Living. Get DoTerra. Young Living or Good Night essential oil for sleep HERE.
I decided to try Good Night blend as it was reviewed on as just as good as DoTerra and Young Living, but for 1/3 the price.
The results are astounding to me, eye opening! I never imagined that using essential oils for sleep would
- Relax me into a sound natural sleep for just the right amount of time I needed to recharge mind, body and soul. Head hits pillow. I’m out.
- Allow my inner clock to wake me after my body was rested.
- Bound me out of bed in the morning like a roaring jet.
- Support rest so my body can renew my brain during sleep so I feel as alert as I did as a teenager!
- Make me think maybe my IQ is even higher now that I have my mind back! (lol!)
I feel like I got my life BACK!
Wow! I had no idea the debilitation not getting a good night’s sleep was doing to me. I was always groggy, sluggish and my mind was never fully alert. In my line of work as a Spirit Clairvoyant Medium I need to have access to my full faculties or I don’t earn a living!
Yesterday, as an example, I flew around the house. I wrote an article, did laundry, grocery shopping, cleaned the house, worked out and then had a date for dinner in the evening. I felt incredible!
So if you would like to feel better, be more alert and finally get a good night’s sleep do what I am telling all my friends, relatives and clients to do. Get a good essential oil for sleep like DoTerra, Young Living or Good Night.
LOVE ALL OF THEM, Good Night Comparable to DoTerra or Young Living. Get DoTerra. Young Living or Good Night essential oil for sleep HERE.