SMART GOALS: MAGIC of GOAL SETTING. Finally reach the life goals you really want including love, money and health!
Smart goals align the magic of your soul with the actions of your body. When you combine what you want with smart goals, the universe supports you.
Learn how to set them, why they work and receive channeled information on goals from spiritual perspective.
Today I received this wonderful email from a coach who says she is very great at manifesting her goals, being able to work part-time and ski the rest of the time.
She wrote in her last newsletter, “I wanted to be a writer, now my books are well-reviewed in multiple categories by industry greats! I wanted to ski and hike during the day and work part time on my dream business. Done. I wanted a team of people working with me to make amazing books and programs and products. Done. I wanted financial freedom and overflowing love. Got it. “
Then she invites her reader to book coaching with her. Her coaching programs top at $25,000 for a year of the whole enchilada to $8,000 for the lighter program.
But WAIT! There is another way, more accessible to you and everyone to attain life goals. It is SMART Goal Setting.

Over the last week I kept hearing the words, “Goal setting is magical.” I kept hearing it over and over again.
Finally today I decided to “google” this concept.
One of the first articles that came in stated “A Harvard Business Study found that the 3% of graduates from their MBA who had their goals written down, ended up earning ten times as much as the other 97% put together. Putting your goals on paper allows you to move from thinking about your goals to seeing and focusing on what it would take to actually make them a reality. “
Is this magic? Is this manifesting? All I know is when you tell the universe what you really want, when you set SMART GOALS behind this desire, you activate the MAGIC of METAPHYSICS!
I would like to set a challenge to my readers.
Email me your goals for 2020 and the steps you are setting to attain them. I will save them and read some of them during my Monday night show on Facebook Live. Details of the show HERE.
Then keep on updating me on your progress. I will update in my newsletter and during show on Facebook Live.
If you share your goals with someone you are more likely to stay on course and reach them, then if you are doing this alone. So if you do not feel sharing your goals with me, then perhaps you can find a friend to do this with!
INSTRUCTIONS to Use the Magic of SMART Goals.
Use the acronym SMART to set goals. The article quoted above explains SMART from a less spiritual perspective. The following explains these steps from a deeper, more magical, creative perspective.
- SPECIFIC. Set your overall life goal first, like “I want to find love with my ideal partner”. Then break down your goal to little specific steps that take you towards it.
- Example of Overall Goal: I want to find, fall in love, then marry my ideal life partner.
- MEASURABLE. Add times, dates, cost, effort to your goal so that you can monitor your progress and create the roadmap.
- Example: Read three books on finding love in the next 3 weeks, one book a week.
- Find a class or coach or counselor to help me attain this goal after reading the books, if I feel I need extra help in reaching my goal.
- Create a list of the steps recommended to do this from these efforts. Consolidate this information into one list of no more than 12 steps. Do one step each month for one year. Reach goal of being in love with my ideal partner and planning marriage at the end of this year.
- ATTAINABLE. Ensure YOU believe this goal and its steps are attainable. At times we do not believe we can attain these massive life goals. We might not feel worthy, might have been abused or given poor life examples which create in us a sense of failure before even trying.
- Healing. If this is you, you might need to add into your plan, receive healing to any blocks I have preventing my goal. Seek therapy, energy healing, etc.
- Example: Find a great therapist and/or spiritual healer to help heal any blocks I have to attaining love after reading the books.
- RELEVANT; REALLY WANT. Check your goal to ensure it is something you REALLY want. As I have channeled over and over again, there is a magic to working on what you REALLY want. Why? Because that is your soul talking to you about your purpose in life, your soul plan for this life time. When you align with this, your miracles flow to you.
- Example. After a meditation taking you into the Theta brain wave state, visualize yourself with this life goal. Then hold a pendulum up with your preferred hand. Ask yourself if this is part of your soul plan for this lifetime. Remind yourself that a clockwise rotation is a yes to this question.
- If it swings clockwise this is something you have made a soul plan to attain. If it does not (ie, stands still, goes sideways, or counterclockwise) this is not something you really want. It is something others have told you to want, but really there is something you do not want about this goal.
- Then you need to go back to step one and keep choosing goals until you get that clockwise rotation of your pendulum. (A good therapist, or spiritual healer like Spirit Medium Laura can also help you in private session to set the goals at the soul level or help you use a pendulum to check your goals.)
- TIME BOUND. The above example has dates on everything. Remember to set time goals around all your goals. This is the way to increase BELIEF what you want is possible!
Once you do this with one big life goal, you will find the first thing that happens is you feel relaxed.
You know you can attain your goal if you follow your attainable steps.
Now you might be thinking, yeah, but. I really don’t see how this can help me if I want to fall in love and marry my life partner, become financially affluent so I can retire from working, cure this illness I have, etc.
The only way this can happen is with a miracle, or God’s intervention, if you will.
Channeling from the Ones on Goal Setting
The answer to this is the following.
Set the goals.
Create the steps.
Follow the plan.
God helps those who help themselves. So once you set the goals and the plan you activate the magic behind Goal setting, which is the Higher Power of Co-Creation with Universal Mind.
We all love you in the spirit realm. We want to see you succeed. This is the very essence of what being alive is all about.
It is about creation. When you begin to take responsibility for creating your world exactly as your soul wants it, you begin to evolve to higher vibration where anything and everything is possible.
The first step is to desire. This is your God given gift of creation. Being created in God’s image gives you the desire to be, do and have.
When to align with this, you will find your miracles follow.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private session with Spirit through Laura at
Here is a book for further skill development on the magic of Goal Setting.
![The Magic of Thinking Big by [Schwartz, David J]](