Communicating With a Father on the Other Side. Information this specific from spirit can make you a believer that life continues.
The Snoopy Dog: Communicating With a Father on the Other Side
Yesterday I participated as a research mediumship session with the Voices Across the Veil organization. An extremely lucid connection occurred with a father on the other side worth mentioning.
This communication was so fluid and prescient, the details so specific, if this doesn’t convince you life continues after we physically die, then nothing will.
I met the sitter online in a video conference with the researcher.
Her paternal grandfather came in from spirit, without much ado. It was obvious to me he was supposed to be opening the door to the other side to bring in someone else for the sitter, but that other soul did not appear automatically.
Then after the sitter revealed she wanted to speak to her father I immediately saw a man with a pot belly, and a round face with a short turned up nose.
The sitter confirmed this was her father. We went through a few pieces of evidence I saw developing the connection until I was suddenly interrupted by the father in spirit.

He said to me, “Tell her thank you for the Snoopy Dog she gave me.”
I was a bit taken aback about this. Usually it is a father than gives his daughter stuffed animals and toys, not the other way around.
As well, this was so short a time into the discernment that I wondered if this message was real or some sort of static in the connection.
After a moment of holding onto the message I delivered it.
“Does a Snoopy Dog have any significance to you? Your father just said ‘thank you for giving him the Snoopy Dog.'”
The sitter immediately burst into tears. She was a bit uncontrollable, drawing the researcher and myself into the drama a bit.
Finally after she settled down, and a bit more information about her father was relayed, she asked for one last piece of validation.
She wanted him to reveal through the medium exactly how he died.
So I went back to her father in spirit, focusing on him with this question.
He responded by sending me a clairvoyant movie of him seated on a chair in his bedroom. He was wearing an old wrinkled hat and smoking a cigarette.
I asked the sitter if he smoked and she confirmed he did.
Then he told me explicitly and exactly how he passed.
He said he had died that night alone at home in bed of a heart valve that failed.
His daughter, the sitter, immediately confirmed this was exactly how he passed. She began to cry again.
If anyone doubts that life continues these types of stories can help you believe.
Spirit Medium Laura
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Futher reading….
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